Chapter 2

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"Peridot? What are you doing here?"

I knew that voice. That was Steven. I quickly opened my eyes and saw all of the Crystal Gems looking at me and Steven had a very upset look on his face. "I-I did nothing I swear!" I began to panic. I think I know why Steven is upset.

"Peridot you know what you did to Lapis. You broke her heart... That's why she hasn't been talking to you as much as she normally would have been. I am very upset with you Peridot." Steven had a look I had never seen on his face before. He is normally very happy and bright, but it was almost as if he was a different person. I don't understand what he meant by "broke her heart".

I didn't know what to do honestly. I was very confused and my chest started to hurt. What was this feeling? I don't understand... Apparently I looked very upset because Amethyst came and touched my shoulder.

She seemed like she wasn't mad at me. Looking at Garnet and Pearl, they didn't seem as upset as Steven, but they still seemed a bit upset at me. "Don't worry about it. Steven is only like this because he is really concerned about Lapis."

"Hey... uh... Amethyst?"

"Yeah? What is it P-Dot?"

"What does Steven mean when he said I "broke her heart"? I mean, she is still here and perfectly fine so..." This probably wasn't the best time to be asking this sort of thing, but I was just curious and wanted to know. These Earth terms are just very confusing to me still.

The look on Amethyst's face went from worried to an almost... sad looking one. She didn't answer my question that I had asked her. Was it a bad question to ask? I was just curious, dang. Another question soon came into my mind. Why were we even here? She must have brought me here for a reason. It might not be best for me to ask that now considering the look on her face.

Without really thinking, I just walked outside and down to the coast. They clearly didn't want me in there. I was shocked to find out that Amethyst didn't even try to come after me like I did with her. Did I mean nothing to her at all? Are all of these hanging out things just because she has no one else to hang out with? I could feel some tears coming out of my eyes. 

I guess I now realized why they all come to sit by the beach. It is actually really calming and nice. I don't know why it is, but just the silence is nice, I guess.

Because it is so silent, I could here the door of the house get slammed shut. I turned my head and saw that it was Amethyst who slammed the door. I didn't want her to see me like this. Hell, even she might be upset with too. Everyone is upset with me.

After a little while, I could hear some footsteps in the sand. Great... Amethyst was coming over to me. "I don't want to talk to you right now, clod."

She sat down beside me and put her arm around me. To my surprise, she didn't say anything.

"W-What do you think you're doing putting your arms around me?! Why are you touching me?!" I said as I quickly backed away.

Amethyst just looked at me with a bit of surprise on her face. Her face seemed to soften a bit. "Hey, Peri, can I tell you something that I've been meaning to tell you for the longest time?"

"Yeah, sure. What is it?".

Even though it was starting to get dark, I could tell that her face began to get darker. "Well... I... Okay. First do you know what it means when someone likes someone else here on Earth?"

"You mentioned something earlier about this sort of thing. Like, when you grabbed my hand. You said it could be either romantic or not. Is that similar to what you speak of right now?" I looked at her and tilted my head.

She nodded.

"So what about it?"

She grabbed my hand again and just looked at me for a second. "And you know the relationship between Ruby and Sapphire?"

I nodded.

She did the weird thing again when she put her lips onto mine. When she pulled away she said, "I like you like Ruby and Sapphire like each other. I am in love with you, Peridot."

"What does this "love" mean, exactly?" My face began to heat up again like it did earlier and my chest got the weird pain again.

"Well, it is kind of hard to explain. The best way I can explain it to you has to be the relationship between Sapphire and Ruby. The fact that they can stay together for so long and still be happy is because of love."

Again, I didn't know how to feel. I don't understand how feelings exactly work yet and Amethyst is over here throwing all of this crap on me and I felt like I was just going to break down. Out of what seemed like no where, I started crying again like I was earlier, but at a faster pace. I was also making this weird noise...

"P-Peridot! Please stop. I didn't mean to make you feel upset or anything. I just wanted you to be happy is all. It is because I love you and you mean a lot to me and," Amethyst paused for a second, "I... want to date you. I want you to be my girlfriend and I want to fuse with you. N-Not now of course because of all the emotions filling up the air, but eventually. I want to be like Garnet. Obviously not a fusion forever, but I want to have the sort of loving relationship that they have."

I wanted to get up and leave, but I figured that would be quite rude. So obviously, I didn't. I just sat there not really knowing how to respond for a second. It took me a second to actually think of something to say, but when I did, this is what I said, "I guess... I would be willing to give it a try. I don't see why not."

As soon as I said that, her face seemed to light up. "Really?!"

I laughed a little and nodded back.

With that, she came and tackled me to the ground and placing little kisses all over my face. "Thank you Peri!"

"Y-You're welcome, Amethyst." I had a like one of the biggest smiles ever on my face.

Why was I unable to stop smiling? This was really weird because I genuinely was happy for the first time in a while. I was still a little bit upset that Lapis won't talk to me... I miss talking to her. But at that moment, I wasn't entirely thinking about Lapis. It was all Amethyst and just Amethyst.

Total word count: 1183

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