Chapter 6

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Amethyst and I just looked at each other for the longest time not knowing what Lapis had planned for us. Why would Lapis bring Amethyst here after I was talking about fusing with her? "Does Lapis... Want us to fuse?" I finally said looking at Amethyst with a confused look on my face.

I saw her shrug a bit, not really knowing the answer to that. "What were you talking about with her before she came and got me? Maybe that'll help us figure it out.

My face did the weird thing where it heated up again. I looked away from Amethyst in an attempt to avoid looking at her and her not seeing me like this. "We were talking about... about... uh..." Why was I so damn embarrassing? I was making things worse for myself. I was so embarrassed that I couldn't even talk anymore.

Amethyst chuckled at me and walked over to me. She grabbed my hand in one of her own and my chin in her other. She forced me to look at her as she said, "Were you gonna say you were talking about fusion? Well, I say we should give it a shot. Got any music you like to listen to?" When she said that last part, Amethyst let me go. 

I couldn't think of anything in particular that I liked to listen to you. I would only listen to Lapis sing. I ran back inside the barn and grabbed my tablet and handed it to Amethyst. "Here. You should find something you like. I can't think of anything at the moment."

She took my tablet and found my music app. Amethyst began to look through my playlist to see if there was anything that she liked. It seemed it was taking forever, but eventually she picked one of my favorite songs ever. It was a bright and happy song that every single time I hear it, I have to dance to it. 

A small smile made its way onto my face as Amethyst came over to me and we began to dance. I've never had this much fun in a good while. We were just spinning around and acting like complete dorks. But before we knew it, the song was over. When the silence came up between us, we just looked at each other knowing our first attempt at fusing didn't work.

"Well," Amethyst began, "At least we had fun with it I guess."

I sighed and kicked the ground in frustration. I just wanted it to work out. Why was nothing working out with me anymore? Tears began falling out of my eyes as I fell on my knees.

I could hear Amethyst begin to walk over to me. She placed a hand on my shoulder and began rubbing it softly. "Peridot, it's okay. Not everything works out perfectly the first time. Maybe that wasn't the right song or the right kind of dancing for us. Why don't you show me how you dance?"

I got very confused as to why she would want to see my type of dancing. "Why would you...want to see that? I look like a complete idiot you know."

"I want to do that so that I can see if I can mimic your dancing style so that fusing would be easier."

I blushed and stood up. I took my tablet from Amethyst and found a different song that I enjoyed almost as much as that other one. It is a song that Lapis sings to me all of the time. I was shocked that Amethyst didn't get up to dance with me. She just let me do my own thing for a while.

I didn't even notice her get up at first. A little while later after she stood up, she began dancing closely to how I dance. It was weird seeing her dance because it wasn't exactly my kind of dancing, but it wasn't exactly her kind of dancing either. It was a really nice mixture. We kept on dancing on our own. I was still a bit uncomfortable, but definitely better than when we started. Amethyst started making her way towards me and I began to do the same. As soon as we touched everything went dark...

??? POV:

I looked down and saw two legs. Okay that seemed normal... but there were four arms... "FOUR ARMS?!" I screamed out loud in confusion and just being scared. "Amethyst? Where are you? I'm right here Peridot. No you're not! I don't see you anywhere!" I was so confused and scared... I don't know what was happening. What was this? What was this...feeling?

Peridot's POV:

As soon as I fell on the ground, I began to look for Amethyst. "Amethyst?" I called out. "Where are you?" I quickly heard her voice come from down on my side.

"I'm right here, Peri. Don't gotta worry so much." Amethyst smiled up at me. I stood up and helped her off of the ground. I was so confused. What just happened? Why did I fall on the ground?

I guess Amethyst could tell I was confused because she said, "You wanna know what that was just now?"

I began to nod my head rapidly as I sat down in front of her. "Yes! Yes! Please tell me! I am very confused and I want to know. So please tell meee."

She laughed a little bit and sat down in front of me. She smiled and explained what that was to me. "Peridot, what just happened now was something very special. Something that we have been trying to do for a bit of a while now. That thing was fusion. We didn't stay together for very long because you were freaking out." Amethyst began laughing. "To be honest, it's kind of funny."

My face turned red from embarrassment yet again for the...I don't know how many times today, but that's besides the point. "I-I am not funny, you clod!" I crossed my arms and frowned at her. 

She hugged me tightly. "I'm kidding Peri. I love you so much, you know that right?"

I looked at her and nodded.

Apparently, Lapis had just dropped Amethyst off because she wanted to go get the others from the Temple to show what happened between Amethyst and I. How do I know this and when did I figure this out? Well, I figured this out just now because I saw Steven running up towards us and giving us a hug. "Oh my gosh you guys! That was so cool!" Steven said smiling very excitedly and looking at us.

Garnet was smiling in the background and Pearl was just standing there being Pearl. What do I mean by that? I mean that she was just standing there and acting all bitchy.

Garnet began making her way over to us. As she was walking she was talking (heh that rhymed), "Wow you two. Never thought that would be possible." She chuckled a bit. "You just need to work on not freaking out Peridot." Garnet ruffled my hair a bit.

"Hey don't you dare do that, you clod!" I said as I tried to swipe her hand away. 

"What're you going to do if I don't stop?"

She knew I couldn't do anything to stop her which is probably why she said that.

"Amethyst, I am very proud of you." Peal said looking at Amethyst.

"See? I told you I could do it. So there is no reason that you shouldn't be proud of me!" She put her hands on her hips and smiled a dorky smile up at Pearl.

My final thoughts on this experience has to be that fusion is a weird thing and I don't know if I enjoy it or not. Maybe as time goes on, things will get better. For now, though, they'll stay right where they are. Will I fuse again with Amethyst in the future? If the time calls for it, you bet I will. I don't think that the Crystal Gems will take me with them on a real mission. I would like them to so I can help them. Maybe, just maybe, Amethyst can convince them to take me. I would be a great help to their team! They just don't know it yet, but they'll need me.

Total Word Count: 1390

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