Chapter 3

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Things at the barn have been so much different ever since the thing with me and Amethyst occurred. Lapis has been very quiet and won't even look at me. I want to talk to her and apologize for whatever I did wrong. Every time I try to talk to her, however, she completely ignores me. I just want things to go back to how they were before. Truth is, I really miss her. I miss talking to her and I miss her not hating me... It isn't my fault that Amethyst and I are "dating"... Okay, well it kinda sort of is, but it isn't at the same time. I don't know anymore.

We stayed on our respective sides of the barn not bothering each other. The only time we would even look at each other would be when one of us walked back into the barn and we looked to see who it was. I don't think she misses me at all. Did I mess up that badly? Normally when I would mess up, Lapis would quickly forgive me for whatever I may have done.

Amethyst and I have been messaging each other more often as well. She keeps mentioning how she wants to fuse with me to see what it would look like and also because she loves me. I don't exactly know how I feel about fusing. I have only ever tried to fuse with one of the Crystal Gems before and that was Garnet. It didn't work out like I had suspected. Since then, I haven't really thought about fusion all that much. I say all that much because Amethyst keeps bringing it up.

I was just sitting on my half of the barn when Amethyst just showed up out of pure no where. "Sup P-Dot. You looked depressed. Talk to me." She said while putting my face in her hands and squishing my cheeks.

"I am perfectly fine, you clod," I said looking away from her and my face heating up again. My attempts at lying are normally really successful and most people won't be able to tell when I am lying. I guess Amethyst just has some sort of magical power that other people don't have when it comes to me. Huh.

Amethyst took her hands off of my face, sighed and looked at me without saying anything. 

I thought I made someone else mad at me. I didn't need anymore people mad at me because I was getting lonely as it is. "Did I.."

"No, you didn't do anything wrong Peridot. I just want you to talk to me because something is clearly up with you and I am very concerned and worried about you. I understand if you don't want to talk about it, but I just want you to at least admit that there is something wrong with you."

I sighed, stood up from my spot, and began dragging Amethyst outside. I couldn't talk about how I feel inside the barn because Lapis would hear and I didn't want her to really know that I miss talking to her. After a little walking, we got a decent way away from the barn. "I'm sorry I couldn't talk about it in there because Lapis is in there and she doesn't exactly know what I'm going to say."

Amethyst quickly had a worried look on her face. I could tell she thought that I was going to say something bad or that I didn't want to be with her anymore. "Okay, go on..."

"I-It's nothing bad! I think... What I wanted to say was that I genuinely miss talking to her and I just really want to start talking to her again. But every time I try to apologize to her or even talk to her, she completely ignores me," I could feel myself starting to cry, "I just want her to be able to talk to me about how much she did before. I just want things to go back to how they were, you know?"

Almost as soon as I started crying, Amethyst put her thumbs on my face and wiped away my tears. "I know what that feels like. Just, you should tell her how you truly feel."

"I would but she doesn't listen to me!" I said accidentally lashing out at her. "I would do that, but she won't even look at me unless she has to! I'm starting to get really upset with her! She is never fucking like this Amethyst! You don't know her at all!"

"Peridot, I was just--"

I would have never thought I would get this upset over Lapis. Apparently I was so loud when I was yelling that Lapis heard me and she came out to where we were.

"Peridot?" I heard her soft voice say. I really missed it... so much... I ended up hiding behind Amethyst so Lapis wouldn't see me. Or so I thought. She could still see me. "Is that really how you feel?"

I didn't say anything. I was still mad at her but at the same time, I wasn't. I nodded ever so slightly. 

"I was just waiting for you to finally admit that you miss me. This was all some sort of "prank" Steven called it. He thought it would actually be funny, but it actually hurt you. I wanted to tell you that it was a prank, but then that would ruin all the enjoyment of it." 

I poked my head out from behind Amethyst. All I did was look at her because I couldn't really think of what to say. I didn't even realize it, but I was soon running up to Lapis and hugging her tightly while crying. Did I really miss her this much? I could hear her start laughing a little bit. I missed being able to hug her like this all the time. Okay, maybe not all the time, but it was more than never. 

"Amethyst, thank you for helping her admit it." Lapis said breaking our hug slightly and looking at Amethyst. Then, she looked at me with the largest smile on her face that I have ever seen. I don't think that I ever seen her this happy in my whole time that I have known her. "And thank you Peridot, for finally admitting how you really feel about this situation. You're so stubborn, you know?"

"I-I'm not stubborn, you clod!" I said as I put on my angriest look on my face as I possibly could. That was probably a huge mistake on my part because Lapis started laughing a little again and calling me cute. 

This whole time, Amethyst was looking at this. Was she getting jealous? 

"Hey, Peri?" Amethyst called out over the sound of laughter coming from Lapis and I.

I turned my head and looked at her. "Yeah?"

"I'm gonna head back to the Temple. You wanna come with? I could show you my room."

I really wanted to go, but I didn't want to leave Lapis just here by herself now that I know she actually still cares about me. I looked at Lapis and she gave me a nod which meant that she wouldn't mind me going. "You sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure. Go have fun with Amethyst." She had a soft smile on her face.

With that, I gave her one last hug and went over to Amethyst. We began our walk back to the Temple and were talking nearly the whole time. We ended up holding hands on the way there as well. 

"I think today was a good day." Amethyst said sort of out of the blue, looking at me.

I smiled, "I think so too."

Total Word Count: 1287

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