Chapter 7

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Garnet had asked me to join her and the other Crystal Gems on a mission. I was glad that she had asked me because I have been waiting for this day to come. I will finally be able to prove myself to them. In all honesty though, I was scared to go and Lapis almost didn't let me. I think what really got me going was Amethyst telling me that I should really go with them because it'll be fun.

Both Garnet and Amethyst had come to retrieve me for this mission. I was walking in the middle of the two of them. I was curious as to what this mission was even about. So, what did I do? I asked. "So," I began looking up at Garnet, "What even is this mission about?"

She looked down at me and responded, "Well there are multiple corrupted gems in the Kindergarten. We need to get these things situated before they get out of control."

I nodded and made my gaze go back straight and grabbed onto Amethyst's hand. Probably biggest mistake ever because Garnet was there and she decided she was going to ask about us being fused together. Great. 

"So... What was it like being fused with someone for the first time, Peridot?" Garnet said with a bit of a smirk on her face as she looked down at me. Why was she asking this now? Why didn't she ask this earlier when she first saw it? I don't know anymore.

I didn't want to answer, but I knew that if I didn't, she would bug me about it the whole time. So, I just decided that it would be best if I answered. "It was well... different. I didn't really like it. It was a weird feeling. I didn't like not being able to see Amethyst..." I felt my face heat up again as I said that. 

Amethyst laughed a bit and poked my cheek. "Ooooo, Peri loves me~"

"N-No I don't!"

"Yeah you do. You can't deny it anymore. You have said it yourself loud and clear~."

I pulled my hand away from Amethyst's and crossed my arms while looking away from her. Why was she so embarrassing? Especially when someone else was here around with us.

Garnet smiled a faint smile while looking down at the both of us. I could tell she wanted to ask more questions, but she wanted to wait until after the mission? Why did she have to be so curious? She knows pretty much everything about fusion, so why is she asking me?

So, we eventually make our way back to the Temple. The first thing I noticed was that Steven and Pearl weren't even there. "Where are Steven and Pearl?"

"They already went ahead to the mission. We should probably hurry before things get out of hand." Garnet said and the three of us rushed over to the warp pad.

A short time later, we were in the Kindergarten and we saw Pearl and Steven already trying to handle the situation. It was worse actually in person to me than what Garnet was describing. This was the point where I regretted nearly coming. Why did they even need me in the first place? What importance do I have here? Did they need another fusion or something? Did they want me and Amethyst to fuse again? If they needed another fusion, they could just have Steven and Pearl fuse...

Apparently, I was like staring off in my train of thought. I didn't know this until Amethyst came over to me and started shaking me. "Peridot! We have to fuse! This is getting crazy." I could tell she was genuinely freaking out. I have never seen her like this...

"I-If you guys needed another fusion, couldn't Steven and Pearl fuse?! You guys don't need me here! You guys probably only brought me here because I have been wanting to go on a mission with you guys for a while!" I lashed out at Amethyst and began crying. 

"Amethyst, Peridot! Now is not the time for you to be having a moment! You guys need to fuse as soon as possible!" Garnet said while holding back a corrupted gem from us.

Amethyst looked at me with the most freaked out look ever. We did the thing again except it wasn't as time consuming as the other time. For the second time, when we touched, blackness came.

??? POV:

As soon as I came back, I got out my weapon and began helping fight off the corrupted gems. I thought I was going to be okay, but then I was gone yet again.

Peridot's POV:

Damn, that hit really hurt. It'll go away in a little bit...hopefully. This pain was so bad that I couldn't even stand up really. Amethyst seemed almost perfectly fine. "Amethyst..? You okay..?" I asked her. 

She looked at me and nodded. Amethyst quickly got back up and started fighting again. I couldn't get up. No matter how hard I tried, I physically could not get up. Why was I so weak all of the sudden? I know I am weak naturally, but at least I can get up. Damn...  The fight was awful and I just wanted to help. It might be best if I just stay back and not do anything else. I don't want to mess anything up.

The Crystal Gems finished off the mission without me. They didn't need me there with them. Like I asked earlier, why did they even want me here? 

They all ran over to me because they were probably all mad at me that I didn't do anything... "I-I'm sorry I didn't do anything! I-It's not my fault I can't do anything!"

Garnet bent down and picked me up. "We need to get you somewhere safe. You're probably very hurt if you couldn't even get up." 

We got back on the warp pad and ended up back at the Temple. I felt so...weak and that I was going to pass out...My headache got worse and worse by the second. Garnet placed me down on Steven's bed very carefully. She whispered to me, "You need to be very careful, Peridot."

What did she mean by that? I reached up to touch my forehead and I felt my gem. Something felt off though... It was...cracked?! I tried not to freak out, but I still freaked out a little bit because who wouldn't freak out if their gem was cracked? I remained as calm as I could and Garnet could tell that I was scared and freaking out.

Steven, Pearl, and Amethyst all came over to me when I started freaking out. I didn't want any of them to see that my gem was cracked so I hid it from them with my arm. "Are you okay, Peridot?" Steven said coming closer to me. 

"Y-Yeah! I'm fine, don't worry about me!" I said as I turned away from Steven. "Can you guys leave me alone for now? I don't really want to talk to anyone." To my complete surprise, they actually left me alone. Once they were all gone, I was just laying there thinking about all that happened today. My gem was cracked, I failed to help at a mission. It might be best if I were to actually be gone. I mean, I can't do anything without my limb enhancers... I haven't had those for a while, but still. I really am useless...

Total Word Count: 1241

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