Chapter 8

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Amethyst's POV:

Peridot has been slowly distancing herself from everyone including me. I kept trying to get an answer out of her, but she just keeps on asking me to leave her alone. I tried to ask Pearl, Garnet, and Steven if they knew what was up, but none of them knew what was going on. Garnet probably knew what was going on... She probably wasn't going to tell any of us either. Ugh.  Everyday, though, I would go and try to talk to her. I wanted her to know that I still cared about her and was here if she ever needed to talk to me about anything.

I miss talking to her a lot. I wish she would at least talk to me about what is going on, but she won't. Does she not trust me? Did I do something wrong to her? I honestly have no clue. One minute she can be wanting something or someone and the next, she'll want to be avoiding everyone and everything. She's a weird one alright, but I still love her. I really do. Once all of these things get situated, I will give her the biggest hug in the world and tell her how much I love her.

I was laying down on the couch with Steven when I saw Garnet come in. "Heya, Garnet. What're you doing?" I said popping up off of the couch.

"Hm? Oh it's nothing Amethyst. Just checking up on Peridot." She said quickly avoiding me and going to Steven's bed where Peridot had been laying for the past 3 days.

What was she doing? Peridot wasn't going to talk to anyone. Then again, Garnet is Garnet. She can do pretty much anything she wants at this point.

Before she got next to the bed where Peridot was, Garnet looked down at Steven and I and said, "Could you two leave for a moment? Why don't you two go get doughnuts?" She placed a hand on Peridot's arm what seemed very carefully.

Not gonna lie, I did get a bit upset. Why couldn't I stay here and help? After all, she is my girlfriend, not hers. What was Garnet planning to do with her...?

"Don't worry Amethyst. Garnet has good intentions. Why wouldn't she?" Steven said looking at me once we got outside.

I sighed heavily and looked at Steven. "That might be the case, but why couldn't I stay in there with them? Peridot is my girlfriend after all. Wouldn't it make sense for me to stay in there?"

Steven patted me on the shoulder and we began heading to the Big Donut to hopefully have some fun. Maybe I could clear my mind...

Peridot's POV:

I have began to warm up to the fusion quite a bit ever since she started to help me with...personal things. I don't mean this in a bad way obviously. But she has helped me feel like I actually deserve to be here. Everyday, Garnet and I would talk about however I am feeling and it helps me get a lot of stuff off my chest. I still haven't gotten my gem fixed yet, so I haven't really been able to function like normal. I would ask Steven to do it, but then if I do that, then he'll get all concerned about me and I don't want that to be honest...

Why was the fusion so concerned about me anyway? She has way better things to do than trying to help me with my problems. Why were all the Crystal Gems like this anyway? I still have yet to understand their weird behavior.

"Why don't you two go and get some donuts?" I heard Garnet say before rubbing my shoulder. She was talking to Amethyst and Steven... Amethyst... I want to tell you all that is happening, but I just can't right now. I don't want you or Steven getting concerned. I deserve to be sha-- PERIDOT! Stop thinking like that right now. What would Garnet say if she heard what you're thinking about?  Why were my thoughts like this? I just want them to leave me alone...

A few moments later, I heard the door close. Great now I have to talk to the fusion about how I feel. Yay... Sense the sarcasm?

"Peridot," Garnet began, "You really need to have Steven fix your gem." She looked at me in the eyes, up at my gem, and back down to my eyes. "You can't even function right anymore."

"Eh... I'm fine..." 

My voice and movements have slowed down dramatically ever since the mission where I cracked my gem. It didn't happen all at once, though. It was more of a gradual thing and it was getting really bad. The only person who knew how bad this was getting was of course the one who had been pretty much taking care of me this whole time which was the one I despise the most still... How weird is that? Despite being so mean to her in the past and even now, she is still being so nice to me...

The most bitchy gem of all, the Pearl, came into the room because she was looking for Garnet. I heard her stop up the little stairs that lead up to Steven's bed. "Garnet? What are you doing helping her? She doesn't need our help!" I heard her say as I clenched the sheets of the bed with the little strength that I still had left. She really did piss me off.

Garnet grabbed onto my arm not very tightly, but I obviously still felt it. Why did she care about me so much? Why was this sudden affection here? "Pearl, she does need us. I am not going to say anymore. Just believe me when I say this."

"What is even wrong with her anyway?" Pearl snarled.

Garnet bent leaned in and whispered to me, "You have got to show someone else, Peridot."

I sighed heavily and I used a good bit of my strength to turn my body onto my other side and Pearl gasped as soon as she saw my gem. "How are you even here still?! Is this some sort of miracle or something?! Surely anyone else with a gem that cracked would have been gone by now!" Pearl eventually began rambling on and went outside to try and calm down...I think. Garnet carefully put me back on my other shoulder and went outside with Pearl. 

Great. Now one more Crystal Gem knows about my issue. I just hope that it doesn't get to Steven.

Amethyst's POV:

Steven and I had a great time just hanging out at the Big Donut and around Beach City today. It was quite the adventure. No matter how hard I tried though, I could not get Peridot out of my head. Steven could tell and he was doing everything he could to make me happy. He even took me to go say hi to Greg. That was fun.

On our way back to the Temple, we were still laughing about something stupid that we saw. To be honest, it was so stupid I don't even remember what it was. When we got closer to the Temple, we saw that Garnet and Pearl were outside talking about something. 

Of course, like always, Steven ran up to both of them and gave them a hug. "Hi Pearl! Hi Garnet!"

Garnet ruffled Steven's hair a bit as I made my way over there. As soon as Steven ran inside, the looks on both of their faces changed dramatically. "Amethyst, we have something important to tell you. You may or may not like it, but it needs to be said." Garnet said looking down at me with a serious tone and expression. What was this side of her? I had seen her be serious, but not this serious almost ever. When Garnet gets this serious, something is seriously up.

I looked up at her with the most worried look on my face. I didn't know how bad things were. What if it was something about Peridot? Something about Steven? Only one way to find out.

Total Word Count: 1353

I am sooo sorry for the long wait on this one! Major writers block and also school coming back up after winter break. I don't have as much time as I would like to when it comes to writing, but finally chapter 8 is out. Also, I was never expecting this story to do as well as it is! 

If you guys have any suggestions for other stories or for where this one should go, just let me know!

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