Chapter 9

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Peridot's POV:

I was just laying there in Steven's bed when I heard the door open. I wanted to see who it was, but I obviously couldn't because of the state that I am in. I knew who it was as soon as they started speaking to me. "Hey, Peridot!" That voice belonged to Steven. The conversation that I had with Garnet earlier made me feel like I had to tell Steven soon or else something bad was going to happen. Since she can see into the future and what not, something bad might actually happen if I don't tell him sooner or later. I just don't want him to be concerned about me is all...

I could hear Steven climb up the steps and onto where is bed was. "How are you feeling? Garnet said that you haven't been feeling so hot lately and I just wanted to come see what was up. Maybe I could even help you!" I didn't have to look at him to know that he was smiling. He is so happy and I don't want to ruin that for him. He doesn't deserve any of the bad things in the world...

"Heya, Steven.." I tried my best to look at him without showing him my whole face. "I'm fine. I'm getting better. You don't need to worry about me, alright?" I gave him a small smile before returning to my previous position. I hope he didn't see the state that my gem was in.

I could hear him sigh. What all did that fusion tell him anyway? He placed a hand on my shoulder before saying, "Peridot, you're obviously not fine. If you were fine, you would be yelling at everyone and calling them clods. You have been very quiet ever since we got back from that mission. You know you can talk to me right? If you tell me something that you don't want the other gems to know, I swear on my life that I won't tell anyone." Those words sure were reassuring, but it hurt because I wanted to tell him about my gem, but I couldn't get myself to.

Then, the door opened once again. Who was it this time? Was it the other Crystal Gems? Probably.

That had been confirmed when I heard Amethyst calling my name and running over to me. "Why didn't you tell anyone about this? We could have helped you. We were all so worried about you and the fact that you didn't say a word to anyone except for Garnet about this upsets me!"

"A-Amethyst," I began, "I can explain!" My voice was so quiet compared to how it normally is...

"I don't want you to! Why didn't you just tell me before her? Do I not matter to you?! Do you not want to be with me anymore? What's the deal? Explain to me Peridot!" I had never seen her get so worked up and upset about anything before. Yes, she is the sort of type that does get like that. However, I personally have never seen her act to this extent.

I could feel warm tears forming in my eyes. Does she hate me now? 

"Pearl, take Steven out of here. He doesn't need to see this." I could faintly hear Garnet's calm, yet serious, voice through all of Amethyst's yelling. Garnet came up and joined Amethyst and I on Steven's area. "Amethyst, you need to calm down. You're stressing Peridot out."

"You can't tell me to calm down! What have you two been doing behind my back? Is there something going on between the two of you that I should know about? Am I really that bad that you don't want to deal with me anymore, Peridot? Please explain to me--" Amethyst could have gone on and on for what would seem like forever if Garnet hadn't cut her off.

Garnet sighed heavily. "Amethyst, please calm down and listen to me. The reason Peridot didn't tell you or Steven is because she didn't want you guys getting worried about her."

I began tuning their argument out as I began crying to myself. She hates you now. She wants you to be shattered~ I kept crying until their argument was done. Their argument seemed to go on for a long time, but it really wasn't. During that and my crying, I began thinking. I began thinking that maybe the Crystal Gems would be better off if I was...shattered...

"Amethyst..." I said in my somewhat weak voice. She immediately turned her head away from Garnet and towards me. 

"Yes? What is it?" She wiped the remaining tears from her eyes. 

"I want you to do something for me."

"What is it? I'll do anything!"

It took a second for me to actually say those words out loud to her. "I want you... to shatter me..."

As soon as I said that, the whole room went silent. Even Garnet was shocked about what I said. 

"What?" Amethyst said as tears filled her eyes once again.

"You heard me. I said I want you to shatter me. You and the Crystal Gems would be better off without me here anyway. Even though I am rarely actually here in this specific buil---" I was cut off by one of the tightest hugs ever from her and Steven put together. I could feel her tears falling onto my cheek. 

She pulled away from me and looked at me in the eyes. "Peri...You know I could anything like that to you. I love you too much to hurt you like that. I would never be able to forgive myself if I did such a thing..." Amethyst cupped my face with her hands. I missed her just sitting here and holding me like this... 

I didn't know how to respond to that. It was nice to know that she cared about me this much. Amethyst may be absolutely crazy at times, but that is why I love her as much as I do. 

Apparently Garnet had gone to where Steven and Pearl were, grabbed them both, and brought them back here. I knew this because next thing I know, Amethyst is letting go of me and Steven is fixing my gem. When Steven was done, I got out of the bed and Amethyst immediately grabbed me and dragged me down to the floor. We began laughing and being all cutesy. We fused again. 

??? POV:

I laid down on the floor as I continued laughing. Why haven't I actually left yet? Am I going to finally be here long enough for everyone to see me?

Garnet got a surprised look on her face as she ran over to me. Why was she so excited. "You guys haven't come apart yet! Do you understand how proud I am of you?" She hugged us, me, tightly then quickly pulled away. "Do you know who you are exactly?"

"Uh...We have never been together long enough to actually figure that out yet...If I had to guess, I would say... Atlantisite! Yeah, that sounds about right doesn't it?" I smiled a bright smile at Garnet and she smiled back with a nod.

We stayed together for quite a while having fun and doing things truly together. This surely was something that I want to happen again. I don't ever want to separate.

Steven looked troubled about something. Without really thinking, I went over to him to ask what is wrong. "Heya, Steve-bro. Anything you want to talk about?"

He looked at me as I sat down next to him. "I was just thinking about how worried Lapis might be. I mean, she hasn't seen Peridot at all or even heard from her in the past 4 days or so..."

When I heard that, I figured it might be for the better if we split apart temporarily.

Peridot's POV:

I was sad that I have to be away from Amethyst, but I also really miss Lapis too.

I guess Amethyst could tell that I was upset because she grabbed my hand and looked at me. "Hey, don't worry about being apart for a little. I'll see you again soon." She kissed my cheek and I began to make my way back to the barn. I hope Lapis is okay and everything.

Total Word Count: 1389 

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