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Normal POV
"No sorry, I thought I heard running towards the cafeteria though..."
Patryck nods then rushes over there with a few others.
I just doomed our own army.
Don't cry!
I know your sensitive but you did what was right!
I grab the boy from the pile and start running the opposite direction.
My heart races as I hear the door to Tords office opening.
I turn the corner just in time and start climbing to the exit.
"It's heavily guarded how did you get in?!" I whisper at him.
"Found the second way in." He answers.
I look down the latter at him confused.
He makes an explosion signal with his hands.
I keep rushing up and finally get out to where the gate and guards were.
I take off my coat and throw it at him.
He quickly puts it on.
I laugh a little at how small t was on him.
He let's out an annoyed grunt.
"Just act normal." I whisper.
He nods and we start walking out together.
One of the guards stares at the boy next to me so I give a little wave.
As soon as we're out of sight we start sprinting at full force.

Dylan's POV
"Ok now I can ask you why you're helping me." I pant pit as we run.
"Isn't it obvious? I want this war over as much as you guys do."
Smart but...
"Why not use me for information??"
"Cause I want the right side to win."
As we're running I take her coat off and throw it at her.
"Ok. I think I'm ready to explain myself to them."
She stares out of no where's.
She starts to outrun me.
"Is this some sort of race? Because you have no idea where you're going." I ask as I begin steadying.
"And you have no idea where you are. I'm leading you to the city."
No wonder those idiots have an upper hand they have someone with intelligence.
I doubt any of them are smart if they didn't see me hiding there.
"So...whats your name?" She asks.
"Dylan. I am one of Edds trusted troops. Well...until now."
"Wait...are you telling me-"
"Yes. This wasn't planned. We just figured out your location and there's no ways that we should've waited any longer."
"Ok then what was your plan once you got inside?" She asks.
I just shrug.
"Kill the red leader. After that's done we could've exploded the base killing many soldiers and the ones who survive have no where's to go."
She looks back at me with a confused face.
"Well that's stupid. We carry highly intoxicated fluids that if is exposed to carbon dioxide explodes have the city."
"Why would you-"
"Hey I'm just trapped there not like I make the plans or..." she slows down and stops.
"Holy shit...if I haven't had known you guys were range rebellion I set out a plan to..." she shakes her head.
"Too late now. Dammit. Let's hurry the sun is setting and we have about half an hour left to run."
I nod then follow her through the trees.

Normal POV
After we arrived in the city he led us to their base.
I'm surprised he trusted me and didn't shoot me once I got him out of that mess.
My heart gets nervous as I approach the doors.
The guards stopped us.
"Are you insane?! You literally showed a red soldier straight to our doors!" The guard shouts while pointing the gun to Dylan.
I step in front of him protectively.
"Not cool. From what I know you aren't supposed to kill your own troops without permission from your leader. Sir."
He stares at me and grunts.
"No but I'm aloud to kill intruders."
He shoots and I hold my hands out while squeezing my eyes shut.
No pain..?
My eyes widen as I stare at the y/f/c force field in front of me.
The bullet clanks to the ground.
"What the hell are you."
Oh yeah act like you meant for that to happen.
"Or intruders. You should really ask your leader before you know who you're dealing with."
"What's all the commotion out here?!?!" A familiar voice shouts.
"Sir. This soldier is bringing in an intruder."
I slowly turn around.
"Y/n...?" The ginger states.
I cover my mouth and begin to tear up.
"Matt!" I run full force and hug him tightly.
He lifts me up and spins me around.
I never wanted to let him go.
I was shaking, weak.
"Y/n! Look at you! This is insane!" He traces a few scars on my face before wiping my tears away.
"And look at you my handsome man!" I let out a small giggle.
"We thought tord killed you!"
My heart freezes.
"Um y-yeah.....I'm here to explain a few things. We're stopping this war."
He looks down at my uniform.
"Matt it's not what you think."
I can't believe I'm doing this.
I no longer feel trapped though...not exactly free.
Guns were still pointing at me.
"Gentleman. Lower your firearm. She is my family."

So. Yeah the preview? I didn't exactly plan for it to turn out this way but it's better so yeah! Sorry this chapter was a lot shorter but I felt it was the perfect time to end it. :3

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