So close.

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Normal POV
I watch as Red Leader stares into nothing.
I scanned him.
"You're drunk sir."
Without any more talking he dances away towards a few other drunk idiots.
"Pfft-" I slap my hand over my mouth.
What the hell was that.
I look around to find a lonely soldier so hey, let's make him happy?

Alex's POV
I watch as Y/n walks straight towards me.
Judging by the way she changed, I'm dead.
Who would've thought the petite girl would change this juristically.
"Hello, you seem...not so euphoric."
"What?" I ask.
"Happy." She explains while pulling out a chair to sit by me.
"Yeah why should I be. Not like I wanted to join this."
Oh shit I just said that to Tords little side kick.
She stares right at me and her eyes flicker blue.
"Didn't want to ether..." her eyes change back.
"That was cool. What did they do to you this time?" I ask her.
She shrugs.
"Made me the perfect soldier. I don't see why red Leader wants to reverse such an experiment. That caused so much hurt...what ever the hell that feels like."
"Edgy I like it."
She rolls her eyes at me.
"So. Just relax and know that you're actually safe right now. Next violent attack or move comes in a week."
I tilt my head.
"And how are you so sure?"
She taps right where her brain is.
"Just. Chill dude?" Her lips form into a small smile.
"That was weird." I state.
She nods in agreement.
"Yeah I will not attempt slang vocabulary again."
Y/n says while standing up.
And that was it..
The party continues...

Mega time skip

Normal POV
"You take care of section three understand soldier?!" Red Leader shouts at me.
"Yes sir!" I shout.
I watch as the Air Force leaves as well as the tanks.
All that's left is my foot group.
"Make sure to follow the orders and strictly starts off from the sides! Attack with all you got for this battle sets out the future for the red army!" I shout out full force as loud as I could.
"If any get wounded keeps fighting till you almost drop dead! Each of you will receive medical assistance from me!"
"Is that clear?!"
"Yes mam!" A des voices speak out.
"You will make us proud dead or alive! Now quickly! Head out!"
We run full force to our battle field where the rebellion has already started their attack as well.
We're shootings at eachother as i decide to make the first move into a combat position."
It's like a game of basketball, pick a partner to guard and kill.
After shooting three soldiers.
I immediately tackle a strange guy with a screen for eyes.
"Y/n?!" He shouts.
"How the hell does everybody know my name?!" I shout while aiming the gun to his head.
"Tord didn't address that HE wanted to kill me? And why the hell are you trying to kill me???!"
I look down at the strange boy.
"I don't have time for this!" I shout while moving my finger to the trigger.
He hits it out of my hand and grabs me by the collar.
"I love you dammit! It's me tom!"
Why does that....
"Y/N! NO!" He shouts as I hit the hard ground with a thud.

Another small time skip

Where am I?
"Jeez you again?" A male speaks from behind me.
I jump then turn around.
"How many times have you came here? Like 8? I know you're basically immortal but chill."
I recognize that voice...
My eyes widen as I see my friend who I lost in middle school.
He meant the fucking world to me!
I tackle hug him sending up both to the ground.
"Ah...there we go. So have fun without emotion?" He asks me.
I look up at him and tear up.
"Oh don't tell me you've been blanked out for the past...three..maybe four months."
"What're you talking about...?" I ask.
"Heh. Sit up dingus." He says while pushing me up.
"Now. Are you going to choose love over the right thing? Or use you're tiny little brain?" He asks while flicking my forehead.
"I'm lost." I state.
"No shit. Or should I say shot."
"Am I dead. Or dreaming or something? This is very unrealistic."
He facepalms himself.
"Idiot. This is you're last chance. DONT mess it up for it? Now shoo before you're mom sees you."
"What?" I ask.

I take a deep breath while sitting up only to find most of the rebellion soldiers down.
"What the fuck just happened..." I groaned before noticing the blood dripping from my neck.
I healed it then shrugged as if it were nothing.
As I stand my vision comes back to me clearer only to find out what's really happening.
It was a showdown between Tord and Edd.

Ok YES this was a really terrible chapter only because I'm posting two tonight and the next one is very detailed.
I'm Afraid my friends, my potatoes, my family, that this story comes to an end next chapter.
Because this lil bean is making an Eddsworld x Reader PIRATE AUUUUU
sorry if you're bored hah but I'm hoping that that book will be actually good with good details and stuff so yeah...I'm sorry this one was so shitty I'm just anxious for the next one.
I honestly feel really bad now AHHHH

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