New colour

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Your POV
Tom, Matt and i walk under the red and orange trees calmly. I keep noticing Toms gaze on me, but try my best to ignore it. Tommy and I have been friends since elementary..I kind of acted as his guard and I'm guilty for that. He's always being picked on and does nothing about it. Today he was different..
"I'm so nervous for the test after lunch.." I sigh.
"Oh Y/n," Matt says while flicking his hand.
"You're second smartest in the class, right after me." He says, as a matter of factly.
I sigh again.
Edd rushes over to us holding our bags of food. He smiles brightly while handing it to me. I smile back and notice Tom giving Edd a very, very frightened stare.
"Edd. Can" Edd nods and they walk away.

Toms POV
"We have to take tests?! I can't remember what I ate for breakfast this morning!! How am I supposed to remember shit from highschool!!" I shout as I shake Edd back and forth.
His bangs sway side to side each time.
"Calm. We'll make a plan!" He says.
I think edd is excited we were brought back here. It's a chance to start over. New love, new life, new laughter. And no giant robot.
"Tord has a whole bunch of machines and stuff..I'm sure there's something to help us pass a test!" He says while bouncing up and down.
I look away.

Normal POV
"I'm proud of you Y/n," Matt says while patting my shoulder.
"You've talked quite a bit today, and barely stuttered."
My eyes light up. I hadn't even noticed. For most of middle school...I was purposefully mute. I had been shut down anytime I tried to talk so I just gave up completely. Since the beginning of the year I've been starting to talk again, with..a lot of failing. I open my bagel and stare down at it.
Today has been a perfect day so far...Tord acknowledged my existence as a human being...Thomas stood up for himself..and me, I've been talking a lot..what can go wrong?
The bell rings and my eyes widen as I stare down at my uneaten bagel. I quickly stuff it in my book bag and push my glasses up.
"Good luck Matt..!" I whisper shout while running towards the school.
On my way back I bump into a boy I've never seen here before. He wasn't even wearing a uniform...intruder??
My heart races as I stare at him. When he catches my eye, they turn to pure hatred. I quickly look away and walk faster to try and get to my class. The crowds start clearing. I'm going to be late. Footsteps behind me grow faster. I'm going to be late...
I start running. The footsteps behind me run too. I quickly shove my way through the door of my classroom and catch my breath. All eyes fall on me.
"Late. Again?" The teacher asks while glaring down at me.
I study the students faces and notice my four friends. I go on my tippy toes and whisper in the teachers ear. He shakes his head before patting mine.
"You're always so worried about everyone around you. Take a seat, we'll be starting our tests." His voice dims down so no one can hear as his eyes go dark.
"You'll be in detention for interrupting my lesson." I nod quickly and rush to my seat, stumbling into almost every chair and bag in my way. I swear I saw Tord in the hallway from the corner of my eye but...I know he's already in class. The boy seemed to be grunting with the same accent however...
I quickly sit between Matt and Tord and pull out my pencil. Tord usually receives easier work since hes having difficulty with the language. Yet he seems to have spoken it perfectly fine earlier today...this is too odd..looks like I'm interrupting again.
I look towards my teacher and quickly get up. Most teachers in the school know I have a guidance card, and rush out before an anxiety attack hits. But now, I'm using that trust as a advantage. I know what I saw. He grunts and nods, so I quickly rush out and look around.
I turn the corner and can't believe my eyes. Tord is leaning against the wall holding his bloody stomach. His eyes glare down to meet mine. He quickly grabs my collar and shoves me against the wall.
"Where were you??" He whisper shouts.
I stare up at him confused. Tord was just in the classroom..I saw him!!
"T-Tord I-" he cuts me off.
"Your job is to protect other soldiers." He looks around until his eyes meet a janitors closet. He quickly shoves me in and follows close behind while slamming the door. Old Tord is back..
I stumble slightly.
"There is a..fæn..a.."
I tilt my head slightly.
He holds his head in frustration and continues to explain in Norwegian. I understand enough to piece it together. Patryck, a boy in grade 12 had killed Tom, Edd, and Matt all right before his eyes. He couldn't understand why. But the moment he started running they had stabbed his stomach. I stare at him blankly still very confused.
I just saw them in the classroom..along with Tord.
"It's time you tried healing."
I quickly shake my head no. Last time I tried, the patient ended up dying even faster.
"Don't forget your place." He says while glaring down at me.
All of a sudden, a brutal kick is placed to the door. My eyes widen as I quickly look around and grab a broomstick. Another kick and another, until finally the door busts open.
"Y/n get away from him." Paul, another boy in grade 12 states. I swallow hard and quickly stand in front of Tord while clutching the broom.
"You don't understand." Paul slowly moves towards me, cautiously. I didn't realize until now that my knees were shaking. Tord is next in line to be Red Leader. Of course he doesn't know that, but whatever I do now proves my future rank.
"He's not the real Tord."
My eyes widen slightly but I quickly shake my head.
Paul walks closer to me with the dagger and slowly grabs the broom I was holding.
"You saw Tord in class right..?" Paul asks while looking into my eyes.
I slowly nod as a feel a weird spark ignite in Shake it off. I quickly look back at Tord.
"Don't listen to him! I'm real!!" He shouts.
We hear steps coming down the hallway. All three of us looked panic so I grab Paul and pull him in while closing the door quickly.
Paul takes this chance to swerve behind me and bash Tords head against his knee. I yelp and quickly cover my mouth. Paul grunts and lets him drop.
"Y/n, you don't understand. And I can't make you, you aren't bizarre with magic are you??" He asks me while wiping some blood off his chin.
"You've seen the type of machinery in the labs."
I stare at him.
He's..a soldier too? I nod quickly.
"It seems like.." he looks away and bites his lip nervously as if he were trying to decide what to say.
"It seems like a group of people traveled here from the future. Tord was one of them. It so happens all your friends were victims."
I slowly nod my head. It's not impossible I suppose...
"Patryck, Thomas, Edd, Matt, Tord, and I. Along with five others we can't identify."
I slowly nod again and move my eyes to the limp body on the floor. Paul quickly lifts my chin to avert my eyes. I feel my face heat up slightly.
"Patryck has been working with the video cameras to get rid of the evidence. You, are supposed to be in class."
I swallow nervously.
Paul lets go of my chin slowly and opens his phone. He looks down at the boys body.
"They were planning on altering time. Your future leader is on his way." He says while winking.
I give him a confused look. How does he know about that?? Can he see into the future too? He pulls out a strange looking gun and aims it at the body. He shoots, and scores. The body evaporated in thin air.
"Incredible.." I whisper.
"You and I have to get cleaned up unfortunately." He says while shoving the knife in his pocket.
I look down at myself and realize the blood had splattered on me. As much as I feel like throwing up, I know I need to get over this by now. It seems like red might be my new colour.

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