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Tords POV
I hid behind the pillar staring at them.
"Listen. I have no clue who you are but I inform you that it's a good idea to listen to the instructions about the battle plans. I wouldn't want to miss a beat." She says with a small smile that I haven't seen in a while.
She gasps.
Then pushed pass him and leaps to the safe distance.
Edd shouts then jumps after her as flames appear inches away from him.
He stares at her in shock before rushing away shouting something along the lines of 'tom'.

Normal POV
I groan as I landed head first on a step.
The dust settles showing burned bodies ether dead or alive.
Red Leader touches the top of my head then sighs at the blood.
He turns to a wide eyes smile.
"Perfect! Let's go quickly."
He states while throwing my coat at me and running over and around burning people.
I hold my head as I almost feel....
I shake my head and chase after him grabbing my coat in the process.
People unaffected by the blast or just slightly injured run out screaming.
As I continue to the broadcast room.
As I fiddled with the buttons I noticed they rounded up the survivors like sheep and blocked any exit.

Tords POV
"Ahhh what a wonderful day for it to be sunny here in London England isn't it?" I contently speak as the broadcast becomes live for all over the states.
"Hahah...well! I've captured the last colonie of survivors here. Too bad the rebellion lost most of their new recruits. Y/n darling, show the world the beautiful chaos."
She moved the camera towards all the death and fire before turning it back to me.
"For the 82 cities we have taken over, the uk and worked out way farther."
A small shiver got sent up my spine as I realized.
"Now. Surrender your forces before we force our way into each and everyone of you. As for me, call me red leader. I shall soon be your new king."
I lock eye contact with y/n and let out a loving sigh.
She'll be my queen...

Matt's POV
I wake up with a groan back at the base.
"Matt! Oh thank gawd! You've been unconscious for 7 hours! Tord pushed his plans! I heard two soldiers talking about it!! They're attacking a week earlier! We have to attack ASAP!"
I wince at his yelling and hold my head.
The bullet had shot me in the back I guess.
"What happened...? I saw..y/n....." I groan out.
"She couldn't remember who I was." Edd sighed.
Matt she tried killing you, she didn't just see you.
"Tord had this device she seemed to react to it..."
Edd nods.

Normal POV
I walk down the halls holding my clipboard tightly to my chest.
Most of the soldiers are celebrating right now, or which I should say is the worst time.
Entrances are left unguarded.
I walk out and climb to the roof making sure to spot any intruders.
Static appeared in my vision again but I shook it off.
Guess I shouldn't have...
I figured it was from hitting my head on the step but..
Some girl lands on top of me from above.
Who knows where the hell she came from.
I was on my stomach with my face held down to the cold metal.
"DROP YOUR WEAPON!" She shouts.
I transform and throw her off of me.
Her back it a wall.
"W-What the..." she coughs a little.
She wasn't wearing any type of uniform.
"Intruders aren't allowed." I groan while getting up and walking towards her.
"Which is exactly why I'm here!" She shouts while charging towards me.
"What the hell are you?!" She practically screams.
I grab her arm and twist it back wards while grabbing her neck from behind.
"Would it be cliché to say the last thing you'll see?" I ask before placing my knee on her back and bending it as much as I could.
"F-FUCK!" She shouts.
"Now, are there others?" I ask calmly.
"NO!" She shouts.
I bend her back more.
"YES YES! THERE ARE!" She cries out.
"Ah, I see we have a lier."
I make one hard kick causing her spine to crack in half.

Simons POV
Muhahaha a new character.
I cock the gun while hiding behind a metal beam.
Pulling it up towards my eye to aim.
This'll be the best headshot yet.
The girl with the wings turns around and gives me a small psychotic smirk.
I pull the trigger and to my surprise she blocks it with some sort of clear shield.
The shield cracks and shatters like glass as the bullet hits it.
"How'd you get a XVR 460? Well I mean it won't matter. Didn't mama ever teach you not to play with magic?"
"Didn't papa ever teach you to watch your back?" I answer.
Her eyes widen as she turns around quickly.
I push the small button in my ear to contact the chief.
"Sir, she has wings and powers."
"Come see for yourself."
"Tsk. I thought they were rumours. Take the wings, we'll get enough money to buy at least fifty more defences."

Normal POV
There's nobody there..
"You bastard!" I shout while turning around.
He's gone too!
I pull out my walkie talkie and click the button to channel red leader but it's knocked out of my hand by someone shooting me from behind.
I hold my breath as it pierces through my right shoulder.
"For someone with powers you should've been able to predict that." The male speaks.
I heal it then let out a small content sigh.
It's interrupted by someone else being me grabbing my left wing harshly.
Shit...without red leaders remote I can't do much..

Tords POV
Hm...where's y/n..?
I look around the room a little before Patryck rushes up to me.
She must be there!
"Paul! Gather twenty soldiers! Meet me at the exit!"
He nods and rushes away as I do the same with Patryck.
My radio cackles a little.
"S.r..." is all the rings through it.
It's distant but there's a sound of a male shouting at her.

Normal POV
I watch as my own blood forms a puddle around me.
The boy looks at me with a smile.
"I hope you're fired by the time I'm back." He states.
My gloved hand twitches a little.
"F-Fuck...you....." I groan while attempting to sit up.
"Language language... especially for someone who's practically dead." He says while waving my bloody wings in front of me.
Water...started leaking from my eyes..?
What is this...?
I tapped the liquid then stared down at it.
I shakily stand up feeling a rush sent up to my brain.
"Y/N!" Red leader shouts while rushing towards me.
The boy widened his eyes before jumping off the roof.
"I-I-I'm sorry." I'm stutter out scared of what he'll do.
"That fucker!" He shouts while picking me up bridal style sending pain all through my body.
Not as much as that girl on the ground I guess.
"S-Sir! I could hurt you!" I ramble.
He shakes his head and continues walking.

Tords POV
I placed her on a table in the lab and handed the remote to the scientists.
"She tried fighting off an intruder and..!" I look down at her grey eyes pleading for the pain to stop.
"Get her off that mind control! This instant!"
The scientist sighs.
"Very well. Red leader. You need to understand how much you're missing out. You can basically rule the world if we complete the final stage."
I shake my head.
"Give her her memories! Her feelings! Bring her...back to me." I groan.
"Is. That. Clear." I ask.

Eddsworld x reader 3 (final)Where stories live. Discover now