
525 19 17

Quick note if you didn't look back on the last chapter do that and scroll to the bottom it'll explain everything I'm sorry.

Tords POV
I look down at her then walk back to my chair.
"You're dismissed." I state while starting back at my work.
There's a long pause before a tiny sniffle leaves her as she runs out the door.
I can't let all my work unhinge before me.
This is the dream that I might make possible from the past who knows how many generations ago!
If it's not me. It'll be the next leader as to I don't know who I'll trust.

Normal POV
I shove my face into the pillow trying to muffle out any noises.
I made a huge mistake!
Talking to him like that!
What was I thinking?!
"Uh...y/n?" A familiar voice rings through the entrance of my door.
"Yes soldier?" I mumble into the pillow.
I have a higher ranking so calling whoever the hell is there is required.
"You're late for our sunset again."
Now it's certain that it's Paul.
"I thought boss told us to stop doing those.." I state while wiping my eyes and sitting up.
"Yes. But Tord will be in there for a while and you clearly need some clearing."
I look at him then sigh.
"Come on." He says while pulling my arm.

Paul's POV
That bastard.
If he really loved her he wouldn't even have her here.
We walked down the hallways holding hands.
We used to in school too...those was the good old days.
Oh yeah, doing this could get us killed but she's a woman, and usually finds a way.
Jee Paul way to be- ok that wasn't actually sexist because it was a compliment so I proved myself wrong.
We arrive at the hill and lean against the tree.
Remains of the robot were scattered everywhere.
She fiddled with her gun a little, not like she needs it with all those scientists.
I have a bad feeling about them.
I rewinded the recording and found them toying with a pill and a chart.
The chart had something to do with making her transform due to emotions or they'll control or some shit.
"I rewind time..." she mumbles interrupting me from my thoughts.
"Yeah I guess the sunsets aren't as pretty are they?"
I stared out into the red-ish orange-ish streaks that filled the sky.
It was completed perfectly with smoke and destruction.
" isn't..."
I look down at her and see her tear filled eyes.
"So...why are you the punching bag huh? I mean you clearly have more smarts then him. Hell you can even take him down and become leader I'm sure."
A small smile appears on her face.
"It was the fate I was given I guess."
"Why don't you change it?" I ask.
"I am already.."
I'm not sure as to what she means of that.
"I'm tired..." she states trying to look at me in my eyes.
" too."
She shakes her head no.
"No I mean..." she grabs her head and squeezes her eyes shut.
Her eyes widen with...a grey colour...?"

Normal POV
I reach my hand out but nothing happens I can't move...?
My hand grabs my gun.
I try to speak or shout or try to warn Paul that I'm not doing this..but I can't!
I raise my gun up to the sky then aim it towards myself then the tree.
Gawd I must look like an idiot right now.
"HEY!" A rebellion speaks.
In a blink of an eye I whip around and shoot him.
A huge headache hits me as I gain control over my body again.
This better not be a permanent thing..

??? POV
She gets up quickly and rushes towards the soldier.
Ah ah ah...
She was going to heal him wasn't she?
Awww poor girl.
I watch her grab her head again as I toy with the small buttons in my hands.
She started rummaging through the males stuff until she pulls out a small dagger.
"Paul, darling. Do be careful not to smudge the finger prints. Bring this back to boss." I force her to speak as she throws it at him.
Paul catches it staring at her confused.
Y/n gets up and raises her hand in front of the male before levitating his body and thrashing it into the river beside.
I think red leader will be proud of my findings.

Tords POV
The door gets firmly knocked on.
"Yes." I groan out.
Y/n walks in with Paul with a bitch-face resting on her.
"Uh. Helllllloo?" I state.
"Sir. A soldier from the rebellion nearly attacked. I was able to find this dagger to add to our weaponry."
I tilt my head with a small grin.
"I also scanned his DNA and was able to detect the male under the name of Steven Platter."
"You did what now...?"
She stands directly in front of my desk and looks down at me.
She had silver eyes..?!
I also stand up towering over her.
"Who gave you permission to kill this male?"
"You sir." My prime scientist walks into the room.

Normal POV
I listened closely as they spoke, not being able to turn my body to face them.
"I updated the plans and recruited to plan B since plan A, wasn't getting rid of her emotional stability. The super weapon is all yours." He states while handing Tord what seems to be a remote?
"Are you insane...? I asked you specifically not to push through! What the fuck have you done to her?!" Tord shouts while rushing over to me and holding my face.
I stared straight ahead not looking up to meet his gaze.
Not like I could move anyways.
"Oh but sir, she was holding you back from plans. And disobeying your rules as to going out of the base with Paul."
I feel like my bones are breaking...
It hurts...
"How do we get her back?!" He shouts.
"Hm. If you insist." The male reaches over and pushes a button on the remote causing me to stumble down to my knees crying.
"How dare you hurt her!"
"She's a soldier sir."
"Get out! I'll talk about this later!"

Tords POV
The truth is.
I've been too distant from her.
Stressing about the war.
And about a certain small box.
I love her with all my heart I really do.
After this is over..I want to run away and live with her!
Make a happy little family and...
She slowly wobbles back up and straightens her posture.
"I'm s-sorry.." she whimpers.
"For what..?"
She closes her eyes tight.
"I broke a rule..I killed them..."
"That wasn't your fault!" I shout while pulling her in close.
"I l-left....the base..."
I play with her hair and sigh.
"You deserve freedom but...stuff like this happens angel..."
I look at her half-up-half-down look.
I havnt seen her hair differently since middle school on picture day.
Pfft..that was a mess.


I admired her miniskirt and tucked in blouse that her mom made her wear.
She of course brought a hoodie and slipped it over.
"Oh y/n! You can't take a picture with something you wear everyday!!" Matt says as a matter of factly.
"I think she looks great!" Edd fights with him.
Yeah..we were all idiots for her.
As I watched them fight I didn't notice Tom leading y/n to a nearby washroom to fix her hair.
She came back with a high ponytail and the hoodie wrapped around her waist.
The smile on her face topped everything off.
"Thanks Tommy! I should wear my hair like this more often!"
Tom rubs the back of his neck with a shrug.
Boy...was she ever beautiful.

End of flashback

"You should wear your hair up again." I sigh trying to change the topic.
"I m-mean I would but there are Um..hickies."
"Hah! So show them, and if you're scared pretend they are scars! Give me a cool story." I say smiling.
"U-Um! I was uh! Making popcorn!! To watch...what's a scary movie.....The telletubies! And they started popping out at me!! And burned my skin!!"
"Snrk-" I cover my mouth to try not to laugh.

Normal POV
He holds his stomach while laughing historically.
Yeah yeah, I was trying to make him laugh.
"Maybe stick to the hickies~" he smirks but immediately starts laughing again.
This is going to be a long night.

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