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I hear a decent knock on my door.

I open my eyes and see the sunlight reaching through the window.

"Yeah, come in" i mumble when the knocking doesn't vanish.

"Hi, i just wanted to ask you how your first day's been because as we all came home yesterday evening you already fell asleep so we didn't want to wake you" Hannah whispers as she enters.

I sit up and show Hannah she can have a seat next to me.

"Sorry, i was really tired and then i must have fallen asleep"

"No, don't worry it's fine" she smiles and perches on my bed.

I start to tell her about yesterday and when i come to the part of meeting Mrs.Hall she interrupts me.

"I'm so sorry that it didn't work that i could become your guide! They also just told me yesterday that Calum would have to... "

As she mentioned Calum i slightly blush but something in her eyes is so cold when she calls his name that i look out.

"By the way.. It's better you avoid coming in contact with him as much as it's possible , he's not much of a good company. Trust me." she goes on.

I stare at her with a loss of words but then i feel like defending him.

"He's my student guide i don't think it's possible tha..."

But Hannah gets up and waves with her hands, her voice winds,

"I'm just saying."

Then she leaves.

Okay.. Maybe i just had to get used to the Australian love for leaving before they finish something.


Aunt Carol sits me up at the sport centre of the school.

"Tomorrow you can have a drive with Hannah and Mits, but today it was totally okay i mean if you have late lessons i can always drive you." she smiles and winks at me.

I thank her and grab my backpack and make my way to the tennis court.

I didn't expect Calum waiting for me anywhere so i just asked Aunt Carol if she could drive me there actually to show me the way, so i could get there on my own the next time.

I wear ripped jeans shorts and a black crop top, i really hope i could just watch the others play today because i still feel a bit exhausted.

As i come closer to the court, which apparently hasn't been unlocked yet i can see some boys sit on the ground infront of the locked door.

I decide to go as close to the door and just wait there.

So i stand there and because i don't know what to do i stare at my vans.

"You better put yout hair in a pony tail" i hear one boy saying.

I look at the boy with the dark blonde, curly hair, he's watching me.

"Wanna have a seat?" he pats beside him.

"I guess, i'm okay" i answer quietly.

The boy starts laughing and stands up to brush off the dirt from his training shorts, then he makes a step forward and reaches me his hand.


Confused i look at his hand and then back to him, he doesn't make a move so i slowly want to take his hand but before i can shake it he removes it and strokes it over his hair.

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