A simple understanding

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My heart was pounding in my chest but I kept a poker face on to mask my fear without turning my head, my heart is hammering but I keep my stance casual with no hint of hesitation. I lowered the Python to the floor, allowing Parker to let out a long sigh of relief.

"Now do we have an understanding?"

"Understand what?"

"I may be young but I'm not stupid I know that you or someone close to me will try to assassinate me. But let me tell you that that is not a very wise idea, you'd get more profit if you tied me up and delivered me to Daniel alive."

"Why are you telling me this I could easily kick you out or have you shot for even threatening me like this."

"True but you won't because I know that you are just a weak pathetic human being that lives in fear of losing his own life instead of looking out for the good of the people that live within the community."

"You're right I do fear my life. What can I do to make this stop."

"You work for me now."

"Ha! You? Do you think all those people out there will actually follow you."

"No, but they will. You can still remain the face of the community but I will be the one actually behind the scenes pulling the strings."

"And if I don't comply?"

I cocked the hammer on the colt python.

"Okay, okay I get the point."

"Now you'll walk me down to meet the people down at Cirque. So this part of the conversation didn't happen. We're going to walk out of here now and go back to the stables. And Parker if you mention any of this to anyone I will kill you."


"Now do we have an understanding?"

"Yeah I guess so."

I tucked the colt python back into my pants underneath my shirt. "Remember, not a fucking word." I whispered as I pushed open the doors to the office.

"Were you alright in there sir?" One of the armed guards from earlier asked from the stairway. I gave Parker a look that told him that I meant business.

Parker opened his mouth as if to spill everything that I mentioned to him in that room. Doing so would have ended everything I had going for me at the moment very quickly. Instead he looked right back at me, sighed, then turned to the man. "Yes Andrews you can return to your duties on the wall. I'm going to show Miss June where she and Grace will be working during their stay."

"Okay sir, channel C1 is open if you need us." Andrews said as he and the other man stood up to leave.

"Thank you, now off you go." Parker said.

I let out a sigh of relief as the two men left me and Parker at the top of the stairs.

"Were you actually scared?"

"No," I lied. "I have the blood of Atlas' running through my veins. I won't be stopped. Sure they could reach for their guns but I guarantee that I'm faster than you even on my worst days."

"I believe that.." He said somberly.

"Good, now I don't want any of the people here to get killed in this war-"

"A war? You never said anything about a war."

"Well what the hell did you expect? Me just going up to my brother and say, 'set all the people that provide for you free?' I'm sorry parker it just wont work like that."

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