Where it went

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When I entered the kitchen I could see Sam and grace talking about something, she had a fresh bandage put on and when she saw me she stopped talking to sam and just stared at me. I could feel hot tears welling in my eyes, I quickly blinked them away quickly regaining my composure and put a slight smile on my face and buried all my feeling down inside.

"I hope you're hungry, I just shot a deer and its outside ready to cook." I said and gave a slight nod in the direction of the two before I left and found the room where me and Grace had stayed last night and in the other room I could hear their conversation starting up again. I set my two guns on the the bedside table and started taking apart the Beretta for cleaning, the feeling of the gun in my hands felt heavier than usual. It wasn't fair that Grace was treating me this way. Maybe I should just leave? Sam seems like a nice guy and would be able to take care of her.

"June?" Grace asked when she stood in the doorway. I didn't turn around to look at her, she seemed to get the hint because the tone in her voice changed slightly when she spoke again.

"I know I was rude to you ever since I woke up. And I'd like to say that I am sorry, I know that you were only trying to help me and If you hadn't done anything I'd probably be dead by now. And I don't want you to think that I hate you, June. Because I love you June.. I'm just trying to get used to this new feeling. I don't want to be a burden to you." She said before she started to leave.

"I couldn't just sit by and watch you die, Grace.. I'm sorry that you lost your hand because of me, If I could go back and do things differently I would because I know it's my fault that you got bit.." I said but I still hadn't turned to look at her.

"June It wasn't your fault."

"It was because if I hadn't broken down into one of my panic attacks you would still have your hand. And you wouldn't hate me.."

"June I already said I don't hate you. Could you please turn and look at me so I can know that you don't hate me.."

I slowly turned around leaving my half dismantled gun on the table. And I pushed some of my hair away from my face and looked at grace. "I know I can't make what I did up to you but I can help you. I can teach you the skills and everything you need to know and survive using just your left hand."

"I'm no good with my left hand.. I wouldn't even know where to start if you were to teach me some things.."

"We'll find something for you to do there's always a place to start." I said before I smiled weakly at her. I went back to putting together the Beretta and I handed it to Grace along with its hollister. "This is yours now, its your's to protect those who you love."

Sam entered the room with a sad expression on his face.

"Is everything all right Sam?" I asked giving my full attention to him.

"Actually no, It's time for you and your group to move on. June, I need you and Jasper to follow me. I have to show you something." He said and left the bedroom to probably find Jasper.

At first I was confused at first, angry even, I didn't understand why he wanted me to leave. The house was fortified, we had food, no one knew where we were and there weren't many Changed in the area.

"June what's going on?" Grace asked while looking up to me with big strangely colored eyes.

"I don't know Grace, I need you to hide for me until we get back. Don't come out until I call your name, do you understand? Keep your gun close just in case." I said before I directed her to the small closet located in the corner and closed her inside. "I'll be back soon Grace I promise."

I walked out to the porch where I found Jasper screaming at sam.

"Hey! Stop it, what's going on." I asked running between the two people and pushed them away a few feet from each other before Jasper tried ripping out sam's throat.

"He wants us to leave." Jasper yelled his face was a deep shade of scarlet rage.

"Please Jasper, this is my home. Let me explain why the three of you need to leave." Sam explained.

"This better be worth it."

Sam led us to the barn and he opened it up to reveal a old pickup truck with minimal rust on it. I hoped in the truck in the middle seat allowing Sam to drive and Jasper to sit next to me by the window. The truck started slowly and he had to turn the key a few times before the engine roared to life.

"I know that you're probably mad at me for making you leave but I promise it's in your best interest. There's been a horde of the dead ones gathering up at the edge of my property. More than I can take care of and it's only a matter of time before they breach through."

"Show me I have to see it." I said just looking forward as Sam put the car into drive and started pulling out of the barn and into his field. After that the ride was silent and he didn't give me anymore information.

Beyond the warehouse there was this barricade, a large iron fence, several hundred yards long, and behind it was the largest group of changed I ever saw. I almost fainted upon seeing them. The sound of them all growling and gnashing their teeth was almost deafening and I had to cover my ears.

"Please just leave and don't look back. I'll be fine. I have some supplies ready for you to take when we get back to the house." He said before turning the truck around and headed back towards the house

I knew that that was his way of saying goodbye, his way of giving up and yet living on, through me.

When we got to the house Sam gave me a backpack filled with items I could use, items such as canned food, a couple of flares, a water filter and some ammo to his semi automatic rifle, which he gave me as well. Lastly he gave me the keys to his truck. I thanked him for everything that he has done for me and Grace. Grace came out of the room and gave Sam a hug which I did as well then I gathered my things all up and put them inside the bag and left the house to go to the truck and I left it running and called grace and Jasper to join me not looking back to the house I held up my end of the deal, and I didn't look back. And then we left I avoided the main roads like he said I should and just started Driving, not knowing where I was gonna end up. I just wanted Sam to know that I'm thankful for all that you did for us, and I hope he's still alive.. I hope he's safe. If not, I hope he rests in peace.

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