chapter 1- settling

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"Hey Andrew get the last box" he didn't answer. "please....."

"ugh fine your so lazy." He said smirking knowing that would piss me off.

"I AM LAZY!!! Your the one that carried in two boxes. Then said I'm too tired I'm gonna take a nap!" I impersonated his dumb voice.

"bruhhh... First off I do not sound like that and two I didn't carry only two boxes in..." He said smirking yet again. "I probably only carried one in." I nonchalantly went up and punched him in the shoulder. After I heard a very loud girl like shreak.

"What the hell was that?!?!"

"Man you punch like a fucking


"Well then why don't you bring the last box in. Oh and please stop saying bro it's very obnoxious."

He quickly ran out of our room while yelling Yup you guessed it bruh.

I walked downstairs and saw the wicked witch of the West.

"Mother?" I hate her so much. "Not" I mumbled. "why do I have to share a room with the donkey?"

"Because I thought it would be good bonding time." "Well we had enough fucking bonding time in the Philippines!" Well I guess you're wondering why I care we left the Philippines but believe me if you're mother made you leave two different homes twice you'd be pissed too. "Don't you dare speak too your mother that way!"

"Oh please you stopped being my mother 5 years ago." Alex was in the doorway when we were arguing, so he did what he always does he picks me up bridal style and carried me to my room.

"Got in another fight with mom." When Andrew said it was more of a statement then a question. "Ugh don't even call her that!"

"Fine what do you want me to call her?"

"I prefer slut, Wicked witch of the West, or ooh my favorite dwarf scum!" You probably won't get it but she's really short. "Mother it is."

"Girls don't find smart asses attractive Andrew." See the thing is that Andrew acts like he doesn't care about the matter like Alex but he really does. And well Joel's probably the most pissed of all of course right behind me and Gillian. "Oh pulease chicks dig me no matter what." I just rolled my eyes there's no use arguing with a self centered donkey.

"Dinner is ready" my mom shouted. That's when everyone sprints down the steps. There was a group of people I didn't recognize. I stopped abruptly and everyone fell like dominos except for me.

"Andrew why is there people in the kitchen?!?!? What if they're trying to steal our food!! What do we do donkey?!" "Um how about say hello ogre...?" I shoved Andrew causing him to fall again. I snickered. "Honey these are our neighbors I invited them over for dinner!" "But but but... Why? what if I don't get enough food!?"

"Oh honey you need too decrees on the food amount that you're eating you're getting a little chubby anyways." Oh bitch she did not just call me fat. "I'M FAT! I'M FAT? I don't think so dwarf!!" I ripped my shirt off- don't worry I had a sports bra on."Do you see that six pack there. I am fit not fat dwarf!!" There was a guy standing there ogling at me. "What are you staring at?" I asked him while he just frowned. "Ogre why don't you put your shirt back on?" "No donkey I think I'll just keep it off for Shorty here." I said winking and smirking. "I am not short!" Shorty scowled. I laughed, "Dude your only what an inch taller than me and I'm a girl!" I exclaimed. "Madison I think you sometimes forget how tall you really are."

"I think we should just eat dinner" dwarf cut in. "Fine" I responded. let me just say this is going to be a very a awkward dinner. Ignoring the fact that no one was talking I grabbed my serving of spaghetti and bread sticks. I was feeling the peculiar feeling that someone was watching me. I looked up and saw shorty staring at me. "Why is he staring at me?!?!?!" Andrew responds saying

"Its probably because you still haven't put a shirt on and you are eating your weight in food." I abruptly stopped chewing and started speaking with my mouth full. "What? I usually eat more than this and anyways I don't usually wear a shirt either. Donkey." I finished. "Whatever ogre." Andrew mumbled.

"What's up with you guys calling each other donkey and ogre?" Shorty asked. "Well have you ever seen Shrek?"

"Ummm.... No." what he has never seen Shrek before!!!?? that's like one of my most favorite movies. don't judge. "What the hell is wrong with you how have you never seen Shrek before!!!!" I shreaked. "Language." dwarf said gritting her teeth. "Anyways that doesn't matter. In the movie Shrek there is an ogre that is smelly, rude, eats a lot, and well I am guessing sweats a lot too. Which pretty much sums up Madison here." Andrew.and Shorty's snorted.

"And there is donkey who is stupid, not very charming, ugly, and well annoying. And since me and Andrew have that cliche twin hate thing going on we came up with the nick names."

"wait you Guys are twins?!" Short questioned outraged.

"Great Madison now people from school will know I am related to you!"

"First off you are lucky to be related to me. And second off you're going too the same school as us?!?!"

"yeah sweet cheeks and its interesting that you haven't asked me my name yet most girls do." He says winking. "Barf!! I am not interested and don't call me sweet cheeks Shorty!"

"Yeah I wouldn't test her she's may look like a girl but she's a man secretly I swear!" I punched Andrew as hard I could. "owwww."

"Oh Psh you just act feminine donkey."

"Madison we all know that the reason me and you are different is because I actually act like a girl." Gillian stated. "I'm sorry I didn't catch your name." Shorty asks Gill "Barf!" I whisper to Andrew.

"So after you stare at my sister you just start flirting with my other sister?"

"Oh is someone jealous Shorty isn't flirting with you." I say smirking as Andrew say some incoherent words. They just ignore us anyways.

"Gillian and yours?" I can't believe this Gillian is flirting with him. "woah Gill don't forget about your boyfriend Dominic and that you're about five years older than Shorty here!" I laughed while Shorty looked dumbfounded.

"What? I was simply going too flirt with him and then crush his dreams by telling him I had a boyfriend." I just shook my head while putting my dishes away. Finally Shorty and his family started to leave. "Oh by the way my name is Brian." Shorty says. "no one gives a fucking duck!" I scream because he is now in our driveway.

Hey no one is reading this but It probably takes time soooooo yeah. Picture of Andrew now too.....

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