chapter 7- he's my what?!

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Laughing that's what I heard fucking laughing. That idiot of a brother and Pip were laughing! "Why don't you just tell them already." With the most innocent face and voice I asked. "Whatever do you mean brother." He's caught on but I might be able to shake him. "Just tell them already Madison." Ugh fine if they want me to. "Wait I am so confused." murmurs of yeah me too followed. "Alli you are always confused. Also How would you believe that I love your snot nosed brother anymore than a friend?" Why does everyone look so confused? I just explained everything! "But you seemed so

real....." Okay...... I still don't oh oh ooooh haha. "uh sorry did I forget to mention I took acting classes since forever." I guess I forgot that minor detail. "Well anyways let's get some food!" I ran out of the car and stopped once I was inside burger king. "Are you ready to order miss?" who said that.... Oh yeah I'm an idiot its obviously the cashier. "Uh I'm waiting on my friends. Which are right there I'll get back to you." I waited for them to walk over to

me. Hmm who should be my victim. "So what lucky man wants to buy me BK?" All of the guys were swarming me except Andrew and Pip, which I guess that means there's only three guys swarming me but whateves. "Jackass you can buy me dinner." I said as I wrote my list of food. "One triple whopper, 2 large French fries, and a large chocolate milkshake. I'm not gonna buy you all this food just for you to waste it." He really thinks I won't be able to eat that. I just got done with practice and I'm not in the mood for his shit. "fine if I don't eat all of this food by myself by then I'll pay for my food and yours, but if I eat all of my food you have to ask

Mr.Balser for a tampon" Haha he's so gonna get it! Mr. balser was tge strickest, meanest, and irrational teacher ever!! Hunter looked like he just ate all the warheads on earth.

"Do I have to uh say that to uh

Mr Balser?" What better considerate, teacher can you pick? "Yessssssssss! You giant baby and plus I'll never finish right?" He shook his head, but his face told otherwise. "Okay guys buy us gals food and bring it over to that table." I pointed to the table in the back right.

"Wait you have a problem here, there are five guys and three girls."

"good point point Andrew. Uh Andrew buys Alli's food, Pip you buy Katy's food, and jackass you buy my food. Vamoose men!! Now!!" The guys slowly trudged away after I handed them our orders. "So broth the nicknames, what do they mean?" "Not following." oh Alli always the non-descriptive one. "You know the nicknames you and Pete gave each other. "Oh yeah when I ran into him and I mean literally ran into him he was quite huge compared to other Filipinos, so I said well aren't you a pipsqueak? And he just laughed and said well aren't you a giant? Because I was really short back then. So that's it." Alli still looked confused, but food had arrived and I was hungry!

"I guess that sort of makes sense."

"shall we dig in?" Nobody disagreed, so I started on my hamburger and it didn't even put a dent in my stomach. I started dipping French fries in my milkshake when a voice penetrated my happiness. "Eww who does that?" Uh jackass just the voice I want to hear. "Ewwww!!" I mocked him. wait for it......... "Yeah I don't care." I went back to munching on my French fries and I my hope you got my sarcasm in the part where I said I wanted to hear his voice, otherwise you're hopeless. "Don't take it personal she is very uh dignified with what she eats, she shares that nasty trait of dipping french fries in ice cream with her father." As if the reason I get touchy about this subject is because I'm "dignified with what I eat" but all I said was "Yeah sure whatever." we yip yapped and all that jazz while I finished when someone said, "woah she actually finished!" Caleb and hunter looked so shocked. "So tomorrow you do the awful dare and I laugh my ass off." Hunter begrudgingly agreed as we cleaned up and left that wonderful BK.

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz "You know we forgot to drop him off right." Pointing to David. "Can you just drop him off I drove everyone else home." Okay fine, but the only reason why I didn't fight him on that was because I was super tired and I wouldn't mind spending some time with David. I nodded my head while Andrew headed in the house. "so I have one question before I drive you home. Why weren't you surprised when I ate all the food?" Not saying that I cared that he wasn't surprised I just wondered. "honestly, I knew hunter was going to lose that bet, because I have a lot of sisters like you. You know strong, big appetite, nice, and well pretty." I know all of those things were at least half true except for maybe the nice part. "So now that I've answered your question, can I ask you a question?" I nodded my head half intrigued and to be honest a little lost in his words. "I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me sometime, like I know we just met and-" I cut him off because he'd just ramble on forever. "Sure id love to! So you wanna show me that address so we can get you home" he pulled a skip off of paper out of his pocket and I read it with a very confused face. This address is the the plot of land I'm standing on right now....."you really don't know your way around do you? This address is my house also known as the grass we're standing on currently." He pondered at what I said. "I dont get it that address is supposed to be my cousins house." well I guess he could spend the night and we sort it out to- "Madison what are you-. Oh I see you've met your cousin. Well come in come in."  Well shit.....   "He's my what?" While David said what you might ask.

"I was afraid of that." Oh so he had a suspicion that predicted that. Thank you for sharing that information! "When were you going to tell me this mother?!" You don't even know how mad I am. "well I thought it would be a nice surprise." Cool down Madison she may be a shitty mother but she didn't do anything wrong.

"No no its fine I'll be in my room"

$orry guys being in a foreign country with no wifi let me tell you awful!!! picture of David.

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