chapter 2- first day of hell

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"Wakey wakey eggs and bakey!!"

I jumped up and yelled, "foooooood!!!"

I quickly ate and then showered, you know the routine. Hmm what to wear maybe a summer dress..... JK I don't wear dresses I just throw on my my usual sweats tshirt and tennis shoes and threw my hair up in a messy bun. My hair naturally is down to my waist. I run downstairs past dwarf. "Try not to get sent to the principles again!" I always get sent on my first or second day. "I'll try." I bolt to my silver jaguar land rover. Andrew was already in it. "Mom wanted us too pick up Brian" Andrew told me.

"don't you mean Shorty and Why???" "Why the hell would I know? Let's just pick up Brian...." "Shorty" I interrupted. "Whatever." We got to his house and he popped out of his house with cereal. No way in hell was he bringing that in my car. He walked up to the car and opened the door while I knocked the bowl out of his hands onto the ground outside my car. Andrew and I snickered. "What the hell was that for?!?!"

"You can't bring food inside Callun."

"You named your car?"

"hell yeah" I mocked his stupid voice. He was about too sit in the front. "Andrew why are you in the back are you trying too get Shorty here killed?" Andrew switched seats with Brian. "why don't you ever just call me Brian?"

"Trust me dude its the best your gonna get." Andrew warned him.

"We are here guys." I got out with Andrew and I walked to the office. "who are you another emo chick?" Some jackass in the corner said. "Who are you another jackass like Shorty here?" Mocking him not even looking at him.

"I am not a jackass!" Brian shreaks.

"dude that just proves that you are." I answer while laughing.

"Dude do you notice that you talk like a guy?" The dude in the Corner yet again. "would you rather me talk like this????"

"Like what?" Shorty and jackass asked while Andrew screamed dramatically I might add."Noooo!!"

"OH MY GOSH YOU GUYS ARE LIKE OMG HOT. I HAVE GOT TO TELL BRITTNEY AND STACY AND TRACY!! LIKE OMG I AM LIKE TOTALLY ADORABLE!!! I jumped up and down and fake giggled. "don't ever do that again!"

"I might just use that as torture for you donkey." A secretary woman walked in while Andrew groaned. "names!" "she's rude" I exclaimed. She gave me a death stare. "Madison and Andrew Roth." "what!" Brian shouted. "What?"

"I'm Brian stalls. from middle school?" He is the one that have me and Andrew living hell in middle school. "YOU" I yelled. I lunged at him and punched him in the face while kicking him in the stomach. Andrew pulled me off of Brian, but not before I punched him square flat in the nose and I heard a crack. Haha it was his nose I sprained it or may have almost broken it. And that's just.when the principle walked in. Shit...... Shit..... Shit.....

"you start a fight and then you have audacity to cuss in front of me!" He roared. Shit I said that out loud didn't I. Just my fucking luck. "Madison you might want to stop cussing now." Andrew whispered in my ear crap I said that out loud too. "in my office now" he bellowed. CRAP.

Picture of Shorty.........

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