chapter 4- tryouts

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Andrew have me a reassuring look as we walked onto the field.

"Another girl!!" Jackass cried.

"yeah isn't four enough!" Some random kid whined.

"wait there are other girls on this team?"

"Yeah unfortunately." Shorty also whined. Wait Shorty.... Oh that bitch decides to show his face here. I lunge towards him but sadly Andrew sees what I'm about to do. So sadly Andrew picks me up before I could kill him. "they may not let you join the team if they know your fight prone." Andrew whispered in my ear.

"what did you do this time stalls? Steal her boyfriend?" This girl with blue yellow eyes, shoulder blade length black hair, and is about 5"4. "hello my name is Alli Shaw, and anyone who wants to kill stalls over here is a friend in my book." She gave a really freaky smile. I love it! "Madison Roth or Maddie and Right cuz us killers gotta stick together!" I gave her a freaky smile back. Then she stared at me, then I stared at her. After that Yup I bet you didn't guess this, we start simultaneously started busting out laughing. "I'm just going to guess that's not healthy." Andrew who has now let me down commented.

"well since you passed the test you should meet the group. This is Myla Sal

(who had Asian and was about 5"7.) Laura Nowicki (had shoulder length brown hair, with brown eyes, and 5"6.) Katie Hitchens (blonde brown Short hair, green eyes, and 5"9.) And Katie dagois. (blonde brown hair hit mid back, brown eyes, and 5"11.) And who's pretty boy over here." She asked pointing her finger at Andrew. "I am not a pretty boy." Andrew scoffed. "Donkey I'm pretty sure you are." I smirked. "ooh and you're a girl. Wait we are saying things that will never happen right?" Andrew thought he was so smug. "Andrew you spend more time in a the shower then I do. I am pretty sure that just proves my point." Ha in your fugly face!!

"Noooooo. That proves my point because you're a a man inside my little sister's body!" Andrew yelled dramatically I might add. "Well if I'm a man stuck in a woman's body than you're a women stuck in a very scrawny mans body." I screeched. I lunged at him while he went to tackle me. I crawled on his back while he tried to remove me. "men! We would like to keep fighting down to a minimum." A voice boomed. "See he just proved my point that you're a dude!" Andrew exclaimed after I got off of him.

"Or maybe he was comparing muscle mass and thought that I was a dude compared to you!" I scowled at him.

"Wait are you two twins?" Alli questioned with some type of sadness, but i don't understand why. "How did you know?" I asked and Andrew seemed baffled too.

"The twin banter, not agreeing on anything, and you two look very similar. Especially good looks with you." She pointed to Andrew.

"Why thank you, but if I had to be honest I would say that your looks are way more beautiful." Andrew flirted back.

"eewww. I thought you would pass that test Alli!" I screeched.

"Madison let's just face it I'm just too good lookin for your friends to resist me!"

"That's it!" I lunged at his back, yet again today.

"I was just simply playing with him Maddie, nothing to worry about." She said nonchalantly, but something was off. Andrew dropped me instantly. "Owwwww." I muttered. "I knew that. I was just plying along." Andrew put on his poker face. But I could see that he was hurt. "Okay ladies 5 laps easy warmup and then 5 laps try to pick up pace then."

Alli, Myla, Katie, Laura, Katie, and I were leading the pack. I learned that Katie dagois or kk for short plays defense and goalie like me. Alli plays defense and mid. Myla plays striker, and mid. Katie hitchens plays striker. Laura plays striker and mid. When we were talking I saw Andrew sprint past us. He's showing off for Alli and he's going to kill himself.

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