▫️ Two

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As the feast came to an end and after McGonagall said her annual speech, the students stood up and headed to their common rooms. However, Rose, Angela and Brenda along with Beatrice stayed for a while longer. After all, most of them had been asked to stay.

"Look at the bright side," Beatrice said softly, "at least we're going to meet each other in the common room. You'll probably come around the time I'll finish my patrol."

Rose pursed her lips. "Bea, you know I love you, but I am not looking forward to seeing you again tonight, I'm sorry."

She shrugged, "I was expecting that."

"McGonagall is waiting for us and Lupin is waiting for you, Beatrice," Angela piped in. They all turned to look at the Head Boy waiting by the doors before looking back at their friend.

"Good luck," Beatrice mumbled before leaving.

Rose took in a deep breath and then gestured to the other two to follow her. Knowing that they were in trouble, they reached the professors' table with their heads hanging low and their hands behind their back. They knew, though, that no matter their stance, there was no way they wouldn't get into detention.

"Jones, Davidson and Sullivan, why am I not surprised?" With a wave of the Headmistress's wand, all the transfiguration Beatrice had done wore out, leaving them standing as they should, in their clothes. "Explain yourselves."

"We didn't mean to get in the Great Hall like that, professor," Angela spoke up, "we would have changed in the train, but we fell asleep and woke up when it was too late. We only realised we weren't wearing our robes when we had reached the Great Hall. We had no choice but to get inside dressed like that."

For some time, McGonagall said nothing. It was then that Rose finally took the time to look around the Hall. All students and professors had left, leaving the four of them behind.

"I see," the Headmistress finally said, "just because you could provide me with an excuse it doesn't mean you won't get detention, though."

Brenda let out a small sigh, bringing the elderly woman to send a stern glare at her. The girl instantly looked away and didn't make a sound. "Tonight, you are going to go around the castle and check every corner to make sure the fires are lit. You are only going to go to bed when you are finished with the castle."

The three girls looked at each other, their eyes wide as they realised that there was no way they would finish with this chore before midnight. At the time, they were at least glad they had slept during the train-ride.

"Is this understood?"

"Yes, professor," they chorused, not daring to look up at her.

"Good," she finally said, "off you go then. Don't think I won't be watching you."

They turned around and as quickly as they could, left the Great Hall. The promise that McGonagall would be watching them only made things worse for them, as they knew that in case they didn't do what she had asked them to, they would find themselves in an even worse situation.

As soon as they had left the Great Hall and the door had closed behind them, they turned to each other, their eyes wide. Finally, Brenda burst. "How are we going to do all that in just one night?!"

"Alright, here's the plan," Rose said, "we're going to split."

"Really?" Brenda's eyebrows rose. "I thought you were afraid of the dark."

Rose pursed her lips. "I don't. I'm brave."

"If you say so."

She only shot a look at Brenda. "So, here's the plan. I'll take the fifth, sixth and seventh floor." She turned to Angela. "You, will take the fourth, third and second floor. And you, Brenda," she finally turned to her, "will take the first floor, the basement and the dungeons. I would suggest you move quickly. Whoever finishes goes to the common room. How does that sound?"

Winter's Rose ▫️T. LupinWhere stories live. Discover now