▫️ Twenty-Six

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The few weeks left until NEWTs passed surprisingly fast and it was time for the exams. Rose would have liked to say that after everything she had gotten through during the year, she had managed to pull through, there had been no slip in her grades and she had managed to fulfill all of her dreams. However, reality was quite different from that fairy tale.

And she realised that in the middle of her Herbology exam.

Despite her hard work towards the end, Rose didn't know a few answers and there were some others she wasn't sure she had answered correctly. To be fair, there was no chance for her to become a Herbologist if she didn't know all of the answers in Herbology. This was the class she was the best at, and it was obvious, her best wasn't enough.

When the exam ended, she didn't leave her seat. She stayed there for a while, reflecting on her year and the way things had ended up. She had been in the phase of doubting whether she had actually tried her best when a person sat down on her desk, bringing her to look up. She instantly noticed Bill, his dark eyebrows furrowed as he watched her.

"I'm afraid it's a bit late to start using Legilimensy on Teddy to find out the answers to the exam, Rose."

She couldn't help but smile at his comment as she stood up, an eyebrow raised as she assessed him. "Is that how you took the exam, Bill?"

He grinned. "Obviously."

"What are you talking about?"

Rose's smile widened just slightly as she turned to the direction the voice had come from. As expected, she noticed Teddy standing just behind them, a relieved but tired smile on his lips that widened as he laid eyes on her.

Ever since that afternoon they had spent in their room, Teddy and Rose hadn't spoken about it out loud. They hadn't repeated their actions, either. There was something in the way they regarded each other though that had changed; it was as if they finally noticed each other for who they really were, in a sense. Thankfully, Bill and Thomas hadn't picked up on the change yet.

"Bill was telling me how he used Legilimensy on you to get the questions right."

Thomas standing beside Teddy instantly scoffed. "Bill? Using Legilimensy? Oh my, that's a pretty wild dream I'm having."

"You want to hear about wild dreams, Thomas?"

"I don't," Rose smirked as she turned around and walked away, the boys being quick to follow after her. "I have to send a letter to the owlery. Where am I going to find you?"

"In the courtyard," Teddy replied, and she briefly turned to him with a smile before leaving them alone, getting a staircase leading to Gryffindor Tower.

She had reached her common room a few minutes later. She didn't find anyone she knew there so she got up the stairs to her dormitory. As she got inside, she noticed Angela was already there. She sent her a tiny smile and a nod as she headed to her bed and took out a small piece of parchment and a quill and quickly started writing her letter.

Dear Mr Pucey,

I'm sorry it took me so long to reply to your suggestion, I'm afraid I took my time. I'm confident that I'd like to be a reserve Beater for Puddlemere United now, and if the offer still stands, then I'd love to be part of your team.

Thank you for your patience.

Yours, Rose.

She read through the letter once more, making sure her writing was edible and then she folded it neatly. She had just left the bed when Angela spoke up.

Winter's Rose ▫️T. LupinWhere stories live. Discover now