▫ ️Seven

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Time seemed to pass rather quickly when the only thing Rose had to do was study or train for the upcoming Quidditch match, and before she had realised it, the weather had turned a lot colder than she was comfortable with and the first Hogsmeade trip was upon them. While Beatrice, Brenda and Angela were rather excited about the trip and the chance that came with it to gossip and generally have fun, the same couldn't be said for Rose.

Which was why, even though she was awake, she remained in her bed with her eyes stubbornly kept shut and her legs curled as closer to her body as possible so as to try to ignore Beatrice who had taken to jumping on her bed with her on it.

"Rise and shine, Rosie!" she said in what was supposed to be an attempt at singing. Rose gathered her legs closer to her. She'd rather Beatrice didn't fall on her legs.

"Come on, Rose, you promised you'd come with us," Angela's voice was heard from somewhere in the room and reluctantly, Rose opened her eyes.

"Bea, if you keep jumping on the bed I'm going to be too dizzy to walk."

Beatrice only let out a small laugh and with grace Rose certainly didn't possess she jumped on the bed beside her own and stopped her jumping. "Get up!"

"Fine," she grumbled as she pushed herself up and with absolutely no shame, took her pyjamas off and started getting dressed in the clothes she would wear today.

"Another bruise," Beatrice mumbled as she plopped on the bed. "We should make a game - whoever counts the most bruises on Rose's body wins."

"It happens when you're a beater," Rose grumbled as she put on her maroon sweater and then reached for a black pair of leggings. "Don't you have anything more interesting to do other than count my bruises?"

"No." She looked up at Brenda who spoke up, still not leaving her mirror as she braided her blonde hair into two braids. "You want to do something with that hair of yours, Rose?"

Rose briefly looked up before raising a hand to her hair, only to groan as she felt the way it stuck up in every direction possible. "Do you even need to ask?"

Brenda only smiled as Rose put on her shoes. Beatrice and Angela wordlessly moved behind her and started braiding her hair; Beatrice took the left side, Angela the right and then, Brenda got on the bed behind her and started braiding the middle part of her hair. In a few minutes, Rose's hair was in countless of thin braids and she sent them a smile before she grabbed her only black hair band and put it on, keeping it out from her face.

"Great," she commented as she looked at herself in the mirror and turned around. "Are we ready to go then?"

"Obviously," Angela murmured as she left the dormitory, Brenda following after her with a small laugh. Rose then headed after them after grabbing her coat from a chair and Beatrice was the last to come.

Rose dreaded a bit that the stairs would turn into slides as they got down but it didn't happen. They managed to get to their common room safely. They left and were out in the courtyard in a few minutes. It was cold outside but thankfully, Rose's coat kept her warm. She couldn't help but smile as she noticed Beatrice putting on her scarf as if it was freezing but she didn't comment on it. They took a carriage to Hogsmeade and soon enough, they had reached the village.

Hogsmeade was filled with people and they kept close to each other so as to not lose one another. Angela had actually neglected taking her glasses with her this morning, believing she didn't need them except when they were in class, and now, she was standing close to Brenda, an arm looped through hers as she struggled to read the signs of the shops in the streets they were passing through.

Winter's Rose ▫️T. LupinWhere stories live. Discover now