▫️ Eleven

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The wind hit the greenhouse with all of its might and the rain falling to the ground mercilessly was like an infinite drum that soothed Rose instead of making her agitated. The weather had turned a lot colder as December approached and most of the Herbology classes happened in the classroom, in the safety of the castle, but today, Professor Longbottom had wanted to make a demonstration with the Venomous Tentacula, and so, the lesson happened in the greenhouse. She didn't really know whether that decision of his was a good one or not.

For the duration of the class Professor Longbottom was smiling in clear enthusiasm as he worked with the Venomous Tentacula who had tried to seize his legs more times than Rose had cared to count. The students in the front looked a bit disturbed and worried but she hardly paid much mind to them as she watched the Professor bubble on and on about this apparently majestic plant.

When class was dismissed, she started gathering her things, eager to return to the castle and stay in her dormitory for as much time as she wanted, doing absolutely nothing. Her plans were ruined a monent later though as he called her name.

"Miss Jones? Can you stay back, please?"

Rose refrained from groaning as she watched her classmates leave the greenhouse and her eyes briefly met Teddy's before she looked away. When everyone was gone, Professor Longbottom headed her way.

"Is there something wrong, Professor?"

He came to stand in front of her, a small frown forming on his lips as he nodded. "Your Professors have noticed you don't seem to study the way you used to and they're worried about you. They say you won't manage to score well on your NEWTs and I wish I could disagree but I can't help but recognise the truth in their words, Miss Jones. Even in my class, you're not studying any more."

"No, I am-"

"Then you're not studying enough," he cut in, a gentle expression on his face. "What about your dream to become a Herbologist? The way this is going, you won't manage to become one, I'm afraid."

Rose let out a small sigh as she looked away, feeling ashamed all of a sudden. "I'm sorry, Professor. I just...I need some time."

"I know and I understand," he spoke once more with the same gentle tone. "You don't have the time you need to do that, though. You've lost weeks of progress by what happened and you're already behind. You don't have any more time. You must try studying the way you did before and if you don't do it on your own, then I'm afraid you'll have to be tutored by someone."

Rose slowly looked up, unable to hide the deep frown on her lips as she nodded. "I understand."

"I won't pressure you or find you a tutor. You can do everything on your own pace. Just know, Miss Jones, that I'll be keeping an eye on you. And if you ever need anything, don't hesitate to approach me."

Rose nodded and he reached forward to clap a hand on her shoulder before rising to his full height. "Thank you, Professor."

He smiled briefly at her and with that, she swung her bag over her shoulder and took out her wand as she left the greenhouse and got out in the rain. The invisible umbrella over her head kept some of the water out, however, there were times the wind changed and droplets of water fell on her clothes. By the time she had reached the castle, she wasn't all that dry.

She didn't make her way to her common room as she had initially planned. She needed some time to herself to think, and she knew just the place she could go to to relax.

She got up the various staircases around Hogwarts to the seventh floor corridor, thankful she hadn't met anyone she knew on her way there and rushed in the dark corridor. She headed to the portrait of the rose and pressed the tile beside it, opening the door and slipping inside as soon as it appeared. She closed it behind her and turned around, only to jump as she realised she wasn't alone.

Winter's Rose ▫️T. LupinWhere stories live. Discover now