▫️ Twenty-Three

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The next morning, Rose was woken up by a groan of pain that followed yelling not far away from her room. With her eyes still heavy with sleep, she left her bed in her pyjamas and walked down the corridor to the room she remembered the boys were staying. Stiffling a small yawn, she raised a hand and knocked on the door. Instantly, the yelling stopped and a second later, Teddy yanked open the door, only for his eyes to widen as he noticed her.

Her hair was in its usual countless braids, kept away from her face, and she was dressed in her plain grey pyjamas, wearing her grey slippers. She didn't look all that happy to be woken up as she folded her arms in front of her chest and looked over in the direction of Thomas and Bill who were glaring at each other.

"What the hell happened here?"

Bill instantly turned to her with narrowed eyes. "Thomas pushed me against the wall and I hit my head!"

"You were in front of my suitcase and it was an accident!"

"You still pushed me-"

"Shut up!" Both boys turned to face her and she tried to ignore Teddy's satisfied expression as she looked at them. "I don't care what happened, you, Bill, woke me up, and I don't appreciate being woken up by yelling. I was having a particularly pleasant dream where I was beating my ex with a shovel."

Thomas slowly looked up. "Did you happen to bury him alive?"

She blinked. "No, that's just barbaric."

"And beating him with a shovel isn't barbaric?"

"The one who interrupted my beauty sleep has no right to speak," she shot a look at Thomas before turning to Teddy. "Where's your grandma?"

"She realised we were out of tea and went out to buy some," he explained simply as he looked down at her with a smile. "Why don't you get dressed? We'll go to my godfather and you'll play Quidditch."

"Glad to see you're making plans for me, Teddy," she smiled in a vaguely sarcastic manner. Bill laughed and she didn't hesitate to send him a sharp glare before turning once more to Teddy and smiling slightly. Without another word, she left the room, ignoring Bill's mumble about her being weird as she headed to her own room.

A few minutes later, she was dressed appropriately and fully awake as she grabbed her broomstick and left it on the couch of the living room before heading to the kitchen where she could hear voices. As she got inside, she couldn't help but smile as she noticed Andromeda fixing Teddy's hair.

"Good morning."

Andromeda looked away at her appearance and Teddy had the chance to mess his hair up once more as she took the spare seat beside him.

"Good morning, Rose," she said with a smile as she pushed a cup towards her. Rose smiled back as she grabbed the cup and raised to her lips, her smile widening as she tasted the tea.

"You didnt even check if it was tea before drinking it," Bill spoke up as soon as she let the cup down. "What if it was poison?"

"Poison doesn't smell like tea," she said simply as she raised the cup of tea to her lips once more. "How come we're visiting your godfather, Teddy?"

"We always visit him at least once during the holidays and I thought this would be a good day for our visit," he explained as he reached for a piece of bread covered in jam. "I sent him a letter a few days ago and he agreed. He's met Thomas and Bill before but he's eager to meet you."

She briefly looked up at him. "What have you told your godfather about me?"

"That you're a Gryffindor, that you play Quidditch, that's all, I think," he shrugged, "just the basic things."

Winter's Rose ▫️T. LupinWhere stories live. Discover now