▫️ Twenty-Eight

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Before Rose had even realised it, the day they would graduate had come and she was standing in her dormitory, her suitcase almost ready as she put a few more clothes inside. Beside her, Angela, Brenda and Beatrice were doing the same things as she did, working in silence. It didn't take her long to gather her things as this had been one of the things she had done beforehand, not wishing to forget anything at Hogwarts because she was literally never going to get it back if she lost something.

She closed it and then turned around, heading to the mirror, setting half of her hair up and letting the rest of it cascade down her back. She looked at herself once more, made sure her shirt didn't have any creases before turning around and heading back to her bed.

"Well then, I'm finished, I'll get going," she announced as she pulled the truck on the bed and looked up, a smile aimed mainly at Beatrice. Brenda and Angela looked up as well but she didn't pay much attention to them. "I'll probably never see most of you again. Good luck with your lives. I hope you're happy."

"You too," Brenda and Angela chorused as Beatrice walked forward and pulled her in for a tight hug she returned.

"You're going to be so successful, I know it," she mumbled as she pulled back, looking up at her with a wide smile. "And don't you let Teddy out of your sight."

"I wasn't planning on it, but sure," she shrugged with a wide smile as she nodded at Brenda and Angela, and with a small wink at Beatrice, she left the dormitory. The moment she had gotten down the stairs, she was literally attacked.

Rose let out a small yelp as she almost lost her balance and looked down, not even surprised to see Timmy practically glued on her, hugging her so tight she thought she'd suffocate if he kept this up. She didn't say anything about it though as she placed her hands around him with a wide smile, her eyes falling on the members of her team behind him with James standing in the front with a small frown.

"He got to you first."

"You're going to let him hug you?" Timmy exclaimed as he pulled back, his eyebrows raised incredulously. "Do you even know him?"

"James is a good person, Timmy," she scolded him lightly and she reached up to ruffle his hair as James moved forward and with a smug look at Timmy, hugged her. This hug didn't last much but James seemed to be satisfied as he pulled back, a wide grin on his lips as he stuck his tongue out at Timmy who only rolled his eyes in return.

"I'll try to watch your games if you let me know beforehand," she smiled as she took a few steps forward and clapped a hand on Justin's shoulder, her eyes resting on Elizabeth who was smiling at her.

"I can do that."

"Great," she smiled at all of them as she walked forward. "Let's get to the Great Hall and have breakfast, then."

There was no objection and so, all together, they headed to the Great Hall. Justin was talking to Katherine, John to Maria Smith, Timmy and James were having their own conversation and Rose with Elizabeth were in the front.

"I'll be joining the Puddlemere United," Rose told her at some point as they got down the stairs. Instantly, Elizabeth smiled.

"That's a great opportunity. Do you plan on staying in that team?"

"It depends. I always supported the Holyhead Harpies a bit more."

"Don't we all?"

The two girls shared a laugh as they reached the Great Hall. Rose waved at them with a wide smile as she headed to the Hufflepuff table, already spotting her friends having breakfast. The Headmistress's lecture had happened last night and now the students were free to mingle as they wished, and Rose used that to her benefit as she slid in the seat beside Teddy and with no hesitation, placed a kiss on his cheek as a form of greeting.

Winter's Rose ▫️T. LupinWhere stories live. Discover now