▫️ Six

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"Oh Merlin!"

Angela's moan was enough to make Rose look up from her cup of tea, an eyebrow raised in amusement. "What is it?"

"Did you try the cake?" As Rose slowly shook her head, she let out yet another moan. "It's delicious."

"If you could stop making these sounds," Brenda mumbled from beside Rose, her nose buried in a book, only the top of her blonde head being seen. "I'm trying to read."

"And I'm planning," Beatrice spoke, her eyes never leaving the piece of parchment in front of her, her quill moving at a rapid pace. She didn't seem to mind that her messy bun was a bit too messy and strands of her dark hair had escaped and were falling on her parchment. She was too focused for that.

Rose and Angela shared a look before the last huffed, "You guys are no fun."

Rose only took one more sip of her drink. All of them were rather surprised when Beatrice spoke up. "Is there any chance we're going to win the Quidditch Cup this year, Rose?"

Angela instantly huffed, "Thought you wanted me to keep quiet."

"We do," Beatrice quipped before looking up at Rose who was still sipping her tea calmly. "Well?"

"I'll try my best," she mumbled, "we also won last year, in case you forgot. And the year before that."

"Yeah, I know you're a great captain-"

"Would you just keep quiet for once?" Brenda huffed as she placed her book on the table, her small eyes so narrowed someone could have lost them. "I'm trying to read!"

"In case you didn't notice, most people are having lunch right now," Angela sassed, an eyebrow raised. "If you want to read, go to your dormitory."

Rose smirked as she took yet another calm sip of her tea as Brenda stood up and with a huff, closed her book. "Fine."

Rose watched her leave the Great Hall until Beatrice cleared her throat, bringing her attention back to her. "As I was saying, you're a great captain and we've only won these last two years you've been in charge but I need you to tell me you'll try for us to win once more."

"I want us to win probably more than any other Gryffindor," she shrugged, an eyebrow raised as she led her cup of tea to her lips once more. She couldn't remember the last time she had been so calm, and she also couldn't remember drinking so much tea for about a year. It was the sixth cup already and half the day had only passed. Rose really didn't know what had gotten into her. "How come you asked?"

"As you know, I spend a lot of time with the Head Boy and we've got lots of time to spare when we are patrolling together. And I may or may not have bet we're going to win this year."

Rose slowly set her cup of tea on the table, now not as calm as before. "You made a bet with Teddy Lupin, who is also the best friend of the Hufflepuff's team Captain, Thomas Higgs, excellent Chaser and hard-working player, probably the most quick person on a broom there is-"

"I know he'll tell his friend and it was risky but I believe in Gryffindor-"

"Did I mention Higgs is the only Captain I'm actually friendly with? Are you trying to jeopardise my relationship with people?"

"I would never," she gasped, her eyes widening dramatically. "I was just being confident in my house's Quidditch team."

Rose only rolled her eyes as she grabbed her cup of tea once more and took a sip, calmly. Beatrice returned to her planning and Angela busied herself with the slices of cake, until a few minutes later, she burst.

Winter's Rose ▫️T. LupinWhere stories live. Discover now