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I hear a rustling of leaves below me so I pull my coat on and pull up the hatch so I can exit my treehouse. I silently climb down the tree and pounce on the man sneaking around below, I take him by surprise. With my legs around his neck I try to get a good hold on his neck, but he's moving too much, trying to throw me off. He doesn't throw me off but he does pull out a dagger and stab me in the thigh with it, at that same moment I manage to grab his neck. I whisper a word "Calor." I feel my hands start to heat up, I keep my hands firmly around his neck as they continue to heat up. He starts to scream in pain, so I cover his mouth with one hand whilst keeping the other on his neck. When he drops to the ground, I let go "Calor." My hands cool back to normal. I look down at the man at my feet "Blasted HYDRA." I grab his ankles and drag him through the forest to the nearest cliff edge, where I throw him over the edge into the ocean.

Steve and I are sitting on the roof together, drinking coffee as we tell Natasha about our other soulmate, when all of a sudden Steve shakes his left hand, discomfort clear on his face "What's wrong?" He looks at the palm of his hand as he responds to me "My hand is getting hotter by the second. I thought it was just my coffee at first, but it's not." He hisses "It feels like it's burning." Natasha smiles "Just your left hand?" "Yeah. Why are you smiling?" "Your soulmate, it's been proven that you can feel somethings the same as your soulmate, if there's a change or if they get injured."

You can feel their injuries!?

I let loose my opinion "That's insane! How is feeling their injuries fair?" "Well, first off it's only changes and injuries to their hand and secondly the injury is painless, you just feel it and see it for a moment. But change, you actually feel, but dulled down." Steve gasps "MC's hand must be on fire then, if this is dulled down!" I take his hand in my own and he's right, it's really hot, I try to cool it down with my metal hand, it lasts for a minute or two then dies down. Natasha runs over "I've got the ice!" "You're too late, he's fine now." She huffs "I got you ice." Steve smiles "Sorry Nat, either they're fine now or dead." I hit him on the arm "Don't say that!" "We don't know. Buck, he or she was burning, that's not normal."

I'm running through the forest, jumping over tree roots and ducking under low hanging branches. I can hear the Agents behind me, chasing me, they never stop chasing me. I leap over a stream and continue running. A rabbit runs alongside me, giving me a moment's pleasure in my world which is hell. Then I hear a gunshot and the rabbit is no longer running beside me.

Thanks a lot!

A cliff edge is coming up but I have nowhere else to go, so I jump "Aqua." I manage to say the word before breaking the surface. I sink down in the water and swim deeper. Since the water is so clear I don't want to be seen, but they get a shot in first, I feel a bullet pierce my arm. I let out a soundless scream releasing bubbles. I push myself to swim deeper, I could bleed out from my thigh injury and now bullet hole, but in order to heal them I need to sleep, I need to be out of the water and somewhere safe. I swim for a bit longer, getting further away from the cliff and my treehouse.

Looks like I'll have to move again.

After a while I start to get light headed, which means I won't be able to breathe under the water for much longer either, so I swim to the surface. When I break the surface I glance around, the only thing in sight is a mini island of only about 10 metres "Aqua." I give my body a break from the water as I swim on the surface towards the small amount of land. When I get there I manage to hobble to the centre and collapse onto my back.

What am I going to do? I don't know where I am and have no shelter. Surely it won't be long before they find me again.

The sun has almost finished setting, I'm wet and cold but I close my eyes and try to relax anyway "Sana."

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