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We follow the blood, as it gets further away there's less and less of it, when there's no more, I look up. I turn back around to see we've moved about 40 or so metres from the treehouse, Bruce makes a suggestion "Maybe they were trying to catch someone who's been using that treehouse as a hideout. Maybe they killed them and took them away." I keep walking "I'm gonna see where this route leads to. I look out carefully for trampled grass, snapped twigs and footprints, I find some boot prints.

These look like combat boots, so probably HYDRA, and they were running.

I keep walking and find myself at a cliff edge, I look over the edge to see nothing but ocean "Found anything?" I jump backwards "Tony! What if I had jumped forwards instead of backwards!?" He looks over the edge, then smirks at me "A person can survive that fall."

A person can survive that fall... Maybe someone did.

When everyone else catches up I explain my thoughts "I think Bruce was onto something when he said about HYDRA looking for someone, I think they found that person and chased them, to here. Tony just said a person could survive this fall. I think they jumped." Cap nods "Let's get back to the quinjet and fly along the edge, see if we can spot a person down there." We do exactly that, I fly the quinjet low and close to the cliff wall, I turn on the lights as we look carefully "There!" I look to where Sam beside me is pointing, it looks like a person.

The odds may be in our favour today.

We fly closer and I lower us down so we're nearly on the surface of the water, following Nat's instructions of "Closer... Closer... Okay, stop! Stop!" They manage to pull the person aboard, I fly us straight up to the cliff edge above and land. I get up from my seat and look down at the body, it's a HYDRA Agent.

Damn it!

After examining the body we notice he died of asphyxiation and has extreme burn marks around his neck, but the burns are in a strange shape, it looks like a handprint. I notice Cap rub his hand, I nudge him and question him quietly while the others search the Agent's body "You alright?" "Huh? Yeah, it's just..." "Cap?" "It's strange, earlier my hand was burning, like no heat I've ever felt before. Nat thought it was something to do with my other soulmate, said I was feeling what they were. But Buck can't support me on that, because he doesn't have that hand."

Poor Bucky, doesn't even have is other soul tattoo.

"It sounds like a soulmate connection and it kind of makes sense."

"How does it make sense?" "Finding your soulmate isn't based on luck or coincidence, it's based on feelings and opportunities. Like if someone was working a job they weren't keen on and got handed an opportunity to do a better job, if they take that opportunity they're more likely to find their soulmate. They're connected to the decisions we make in our lives." I nod "Buck and I were talking about that. If he wasn't captured by HYDRA and if I didn't freeze then we never would've met again and our soulmate wouldn't have a chance to meet us, because he or she was born sometime while I was frozen."

So our soulmate has a link to HYDRA, he or she might've been the one who killed that Agent. But how did they do it?

When we're done with the Agent I speak up "If we find this person we need to be careful, they've taken out a HYDRA Agent and is on the run from them. They also might be-" I look to Buck, he raises an eyebrow "- our other soulmate." His eyes widen "Where did that idea come from?" "Barton and I were just discussing it. My hand burning and the handprint shaped burn around the Agent's neck is too similar and probably happened around the same time. This is an opportunity to find our MC." I look to Barton who nods "We won't attack them." Once everyone has agreed, we pull out the food we packed. Even though it's pitch black outside it's dinner time for us. We have to ignore the fact that we're 5 hours ahead of normal here, so we sit and discuss a plan over dinner, we then get some rest.

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