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When I wake up I feel in a much better state, even though I'm still knackered, my body has completely healed and I'm dry. I open my eyes to see that it's still dark outside and due to the time of year it's chilly "Sana." I get up and glance around. Since it's so dark I can't see anything so I turn on my night vision "Noctis." Finally everything becomes clearer, just like when I surfaced there is still nothing but water surrounding my mini island, but in the far distance I can see land.

That's probably the cliff I came from, better not go back there.

I look in the opposite direction but can't see land, just open ocean. I decide I need to ready myself before I try anything so I head to the edge of the water "Noctis." I crouch down to the edge of the water and cup some water in my hands "Aqua." The water purifies and I drink. I keep repeating this process until I'm satisfied "Noctis." I then walk around the mini island looking for anything that could possibly help me. There's nothing.

What's the point of having an island here when there's nothing on it!?What do I do? What do I do?

I hear a noise and look back towards the cliff, I see something lighter than everything else "Noctis." When my vision is back to normal I notice it's a light, something is out there. As I keep watching I notice the light slowly getting larger, it separates into two lights.

That's a vehicle! They've found me!

I run across the island "Aqua!" I jump into the water and swim, I can't see where I'm swimming but it's better than being grabbed by HYDRA again. I don't swim much deeper, I stay somewhat close to the surface and try to stay in a constant direction.

I'm flying the quinjet. We've searched along the edge of the cliff, we've decided to head out to sea to continue our search. As we're flying I notice something in the distance, so I call to my best friend "Clint! Come here!" "Yeah?" "What do you see ahead?" "That's land, I think, but there isn't much of it." I keep flying us towards the land. When we get closer I can see just how small the land is. We land and step out, flashlights in hand.

Are those footprints? Someone must've been here.

"Guys, we've got footprints!" Everyone rushes over to where I'm standing, Clint speaks "Those look like the same print I saw earlier, combat boots. So, maybe this isn't whoever they were after." We walk around following the footprints, we find that they started at the water's edge, coming from the same direction as us "Looks like they came out of the ocean." Tony laughs "We've found ourselves a mermaid." Thor looks confused "A what?" I wave him off "Don't worry about it." The footprints are close together, one heavier than the other "Looks like they were injured." Bucky points something out "Well, if this is the person from the treehouse then they might have been stabbed or cut."

Very true, but is it the same person?

The footsteps stop near the middle of the island, where there's a space showing that someone has clearly laid there. There's then footprints wandering around all over the place, walking to the water's edge and back, also circling the whole island.

They were looking for something, by the looks of things.

Then the footprints change into deeper strides, running, to the opposite side of the island, back into the ocean "They've gone swimming again." Cap has a determined look on his face "We're not leaving this area until we're sure there's no one here, we need to keep looking."

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