PART 11.

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Steve holds out a hand to me, as I make my way over, everyone else is smiling, they walk to the quinjet to give us some privacy. I sit beside Marley and Steve passes me one of her hands, I take off a glove and take her hand, I feel the same sensation I get every time Steve and I touch, but it's stronger than I've ever felt. Marley looks to me, she looks like she's in a trance, there's no emotion on her face, her eyes are hard to read. I don't know what she's thinking or feeling, but the fact that she isn't running must be a good sign.

For a while the three of us just sit there in silence. Steve breaks the silence "Welcome home, sweetheart." She laughs "So, this. This, is happening?" "It is, if you want it to. Right, Buck?" I nod "Yeah, you're welcome to come with us, be with us. We're not about to leave our third out. You see, we never expected you, back when we were normal it was just the two of us. When Steve woke up, he had another soulmate. I never knew." She looks down at my metal arm and looks sad "I'm sorry." "It's not your fault. We're just glad to have you." Steve grips my hand tighter "You want a family, you've got one. If you aren't ready for this life, then we'll understand."

You mean, we'll beg her until she comes with us or chase her until she gives in?

She takes a deep breath "Let's give this a go." We all smile. Steve and I stand, then pull her to her feet, we walk to the quinjet together to find amused faces "Aww, don't you look so cute together." "Focus more on your soulmate and less on ours." Stark pulls Banner closer to him. We all sit down, Barton and Natasha head to the front to fly us all back to New York. The journey is filled with Steve and I explaining to Marley everything she missed and the others properly introduce themselves. Barton, Sam and I almost stop breathing from laughter when Stark introduces himself "And you are?" "You don't need me to introduce myself, just think about it and put a name to my gorgeous face." She shrugs "It has slipped my mind." "Oh, come on, I'm Tony Stark. Genius, billionaire, philanthropist, Iron Man." She smirks "Doesn't ring any bells, sorry mate and if you're gorgeous then my boys are Gods."

When we left Cornwall the sun had recently risen, but when we arrive back at the Avengers Tower it's still dark, it messes with our heads. I make a suggestion to help Marley settle in, I say about her having a separate room, at least for a little while, to get used to us. So as soon as we're back at the tower we go to a spare room and start making it habitable, I then give her some clothes that should fit her since she's not much taller than me, plus some of the guys' clothes from the laundry, and leave her to settle in.

The next morning I head to the kitchen for breakfast, it's later than usual since we got back during the early hours of the morning. It's currently about 11:30am, but like usual first thing in the morning Cap and Sam are out running, Bucky and Thor are stuffing their faces, the others are eating calmly. I get myself some late breakfast and sit beside Clint. Bucky starts to choke on his food, with Thor patting him on the back, I follow Bucky's line of sight to see Marley. She's standing in the doorway, leaning against one wall with her arms crossed over her chest, she's smiling. Her dark brown hair is clean and looks amazing, she looks well rested. She's wearing a pair of grey sweatpants, ugg boots and one of the guys' sweaters.

It's nice to finally have another woman around, the closest girl time I get is Thor and I braiding each other's hair.

Marley opens her mouth to speak at the same time Sam and Cap get back. Sam walks past her, with eyes only for food, but Steve notices her. He casually kisses her on the cheek and walks past her, she blushes madly. It isn't until Cap gets to the fridge that he spins round with a wild look on his face "I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have done that, it just happened! I wasn't even-" She chuckles "It's fine, I just wasn't expecting it." Bucky pouts "You just want to be her favourite." Cap and Marley look at each other and smile, they both run up to Bucky and plant a kiss on his cheeks at the same time, he smiles brightly "I could get used to this."

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