Chapter 3

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Full Metal Zombie


We had stopped on the side of road to make repairs to the truck. While Mack fixes the truck 10K keeps the Zs away with his slingshot

"Hey kid. I thought you were leaving" Garnett asks me

"I thought I was. Looks like your stuck with me for a while" I send him a small smirk before walking up to where 10K stood in the truck.

"Amish zombies. Really? Really?" Addy questions. "They tried to quarantine themselves from the rest of society. Keep the Zs from spreading the infection" Garnett explains. Mack speaks up from where he was fixing the truck "That was before we knew Romero had it right. We were all carrying the virus. Didn't matter who you were or how you died"

"Night of the Living Dead. Great movie, sucky reality" I silently agree with Addy before she continues "You know what I don't get, If the Zs didn't spread the virus, how did we all get infected?"

"Best guess I heard, it was spread by birds. Some kind of parasite piggybacked on the bird flu. Stays dormant 'till you die" Garnett explains.

I scoff and decide to speak up "I heard it was God. He finally decided to punish humans for screwing up the earth by making them eat each other" Everyone rolls their eyes and chuckles slightly at my comment except Murphy

"You know take it from somebody who knows first hand. Other than the fact that they find brains delicious, when it comes to zombies nobody knows nothin'" Warren walks up and gives Murphy a nod "My turn" Murphy announces. He walks towards Addy and she hands him two pieces of T-P. "Have we just met" he asks sarcastically. She glares slightly at him before handing him another piece "thank you" he says before walking away. I ignore whatever Garnett says and instead listens to what Doc says

"I'm tellin' ya, there ain't nothin' there. No thoughts, no memories. No soul. Nothin'"

"They want something" Cassandra starts before she is interrupted by Doc. "Yeah. Brains"

Cassandra continues "You can't want something if you're not conscious, if you don't have a soul"

Cassandra was once again interrupted but this time by 10K "When my pa was wounded, he told me to tie him up before he turned. Made me promise to show him mercy when he died. Kill the brain, you know? I couldn't do it. I couldn't hurt my pa, no matter what he'd become.I stared into his eyes for the longest time, just looking for some sign he was still in there"

 "Did you see anything? What did you do?"

"I killed it"

"Damn, kid. You had to put down your own dad?"

"Didn't kill him. Killed it"

"But if it's not alive, how did you kill it?"

"Piked it.Right here.My first kill. I always wish he knew, you know, somehow knew that I kept my promise" I put my hand on his arm trying to comfort him. I knew how it felt to have to kill your family.


Time skip because I'm lazy. I might come back one day and finish it. Oh Whale


Today has been eventful we basically played musical cars with bandits. Our truck was first stolen by bandits dressed as Zs. They left us a piece of shit car. We then found the Z bandits getting robbed by a family, the family killed them and took the truck. We were back in the shit car when we found the family being eaten by Zs. We steal back the truck and Addy contacts Citizen Z through 'Clownly the French Fry guy'. After flirting with Addy citizen Z tells us about a helicopter we can use to make the trip to California shorter.

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