Chapter 2 Part 1

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Philly Feast


"Why are we going this way? Philly is a dead zone" Cassandra complained "Hopefully we can scavenge something without going to deep into the city. If we find a working radio we can try to contact that citizen Z guy again" Garnett replied without glancing at her.

"Philadelphia. Ah, the city of brotherly love" Murphy says while watching to zombies eat the entrails of a woman while she slowly dies.  We drive for a few more minutes before Warren brakes the silence with a question "Is that what I think it is? No way." Warren stops the truck and Garnett gets out, getting a closer look.

"Is that really the Liberty Bell? "Proclaim liberty throughout all the land and unto all the inhabitants thereof." Yeah, that's it." Garnett reads while walking towards the giant cracked bronze bell. Doc follows him "Three years of zombie apocalypse, you think you've seen everything"

"Well when everything went bad, they probably tried to save a little history" Warren commented aproching the bell. "Yeah, well they should've known the only thing you can save is yourself.Let's go!" Murphy complains with his head out of the window annoyed by the stop. Warren puts a long tube into the gas tank of the truck the bell is on top of "Hang on.If this thing still has fuel, and it does If we get this thing started, they won't have to ride out in the open like that"

"Well I'm all for that. I'll grab the jumper cable. God bless the human race. But there's still one jackass alive with a spray can" Doc says smiling at the graffiti on the bell. Warren opens the door of the truck and a Z attempts to grab her, but before it can 10K hits it in the head with his slingshot. My jaw drops at the impeccable accuracy "One thousand seventy-five" he casually comments. There is more to him then he is letting on.

Warren sends him a nod of thanks and in no time Mack was jump starting the Liberty truck as I would call it. While he does that Addy approches me "I thought you were going to take off when we got to the city?" She asked politely. I could tell she was just curious and didn't actually want me gone. "I'm going to stay until we stop again. Longer I stay the longer I dont have to worry about finding a working vehickle" I tell her. She chuckles at what I said before we hear Mack yell "Okay, give it a shot"

Warren starts the liberty truck "All right, that's it. Let's go, Murphy. You get in here with Warren and me.Everybody else, follow in the pickup. Stay close" Garnett shuts the hood of the liberty truck and jumps in the front seat.

Everyone jumps in the original truck but I stay in the bed. "claustrophobic" was my excuse when they asked why. I wasn't actually claustrophobic, I just didn't trust these people; but I wouldn't let them know that. I could tell they were talking but I couldn't hear what they were saying and I didn't care enough to ask.

Warren quickly swerves to avoid a white car with a Z on top of it, we quickly follow them and Doc stops as we all stare at the bell while it bounces down the street taking Zs with it. It seperates some of them from their legs and crushes two Zs eating a women, leaving nothing but a pile of blood and guts.

"Yeah! I'd pay money to see that again" Doc exclaims a huge smile on his face and I silently agree a smile on my face as well. "The axel's broke" Warren tells Garnett before he commands everyone to get back in the original truck.

We drive for a little longer before everyone decides that we need a break. As we stop I walk up to Warren "Here" I say while handing her the Twinkies I promised"Thanks for the ride" She gives me a nod as a way of telling me 'your welcome' "Thanks for the food" she thanks. I return the same nod she gave me before running down the street my gun ready.

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