Chapter 10 Part 1

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Murphy's Law


There will be another warning so you can skip that part.


We had traveled all night taking very few gas brakes until we got to South Par, Colorado. The ride was mostly silent, Cassandra and 10K now sat in the middle seats next to Murphy. Warren was now driving with Doc in passenger, I sat in the very back , enjoying the leg room. "Do you think we'll ever see them again?" Cassandra asked breaking the slightly awkward silence. Warren answered without looking away from the road, "Mack and Addy? My heart says yes. But my mind? My mind says no" Cassandra opened her mouth to say something but was cut off by Doc "I was kinda hoping they'd make it with us to the promise land" 

The car falls back into silence and I see Murphy peeling off his own skin, he stares at it in disgust and I stare at him in disgust. He is so weird. The car slowly comes to a stop "Now what?" Warren mumbles. Doc takes off his sunglasses and calls back to us "Heads up, everybody" 10K lets out an annoyed sigh and leans his head against the back of his seat "I hate roadblocks" I silently agree with him and start playing with his hair, he glances back at me with a confused smile. I just smile back and keep playing with his messy coal colored hair. He slowly relaxes into my touch, enjoying the feeling. 

My attention is brought back to the group by Murphy's annoying voice "This is so sad. I learned to play in prison. I always wondered what it would be like to play with real country clubs types" he said the last sentence in a southern accent and 10K and I both looked at him, giving him a what the f*ck  look. 

We drove deeper onto the field and saw a bridge "You think that bridge is going to hold this truck?" Doc asked Warren "Better test it first" we all jumped out of the truck and walked onto the bridge. It seemed stable enough for the truck "Looks pretty solid" while we were on the bridge Citizen Z called on the radio "Hello, Delta-Xray. Citizen Z calling all cars, calling all cars" Warren answered "Delta-Xray back at you" CZ seemed to perk up when he heard Warren respond to his call "Hello, good to hear from you again. It's been days and I worry" "Thanks mom" Warren said very monotone. I couldn't help but laugh in my head at how motherly he acted. Warren continued "Any news on, Mack or Addie" "No, nothing yet. Maybe they're just off the grid and can't make contact" it was doubtful that they were "Maybe" Warren must have felt the same way I did judging by the tone of her voice. CZ tried to change the subject "How's Murphy?" Murphy ran up and ripped the radio out of Warren's hands "Murphy is pissed Where the hell is this lab you keep talking about? And have you found that witch doctor that almost killed me? Doctor Merch" By the end of Murphy's little interrogation he was at the other end of the bridge, back where we started. "I'm still working on that" Murphy kept walking ignoring the growing distance "And you call yourself the NSA. Quit looking at porn and find that quack. We got business to settle" "Such a nice guy" CZ mumbled under his breath

I heard quite growling and Cassandra and I both turned to see a small group of Zs coming our way "Uh oh" Cassandra sighed "Shit.... Guys!" I called to the rest of the group alerting of them of the Zs. Warren turned and held up her pistol "I got the one on the right" She shot the Z in the head and he dropped to the ground. 10K and I both raised our snipers "Two thousand, four hundred fifty-five" he mumbled to himself as he shot down Zs. I heard my gun lock and knew I was out of ammo, Warren put her gun away and announced that she was out of ammo "Me too" 10K and I said at the same time. Cassandra glanced around and found a bunch of golfing clubs on the ground "look some clubs" We all picked one up "Not the putter" Doc scolded her "Remember keep your left arm straight" he command, she sent him a nod and smacked a Z across the face with the club, killing it. I hit a Z in the head and it fell to the ground, but it wasn't dead so it grabbed my ankle and raised it's head about to bite me. Before it could I brought my club down a few times on it's head, blood splattered all over me some of it getting on my face. I hit another one that came to close and her Warren shout out commands "Let's run for the clubhouse!" We all ran into the clubhouse and Warren locked the door trapping the Zs outside "Murphy?" questioned 10K knowing he was trapped outside "He's out there somewhere" "Safer than us" Doc said. 

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