Prologue ~ Heh, chungus

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"Hey bitchess what is the up!" I strolled into the classroom 10 minutes late, as usual. Oops. I could hear all my friends laughing in the background as well as a big ass sigh from the teacher. It's last period dude cut me some slack.

"(y/n) if you could please just take your seat I don't feel like writing you up again," Mr. Child Predator said, annoyed by my shit already. I saluted him and launched myself into my seat in the back. I looked around to see everyone else on their computers and took the initiative and whipped mine out. Oh, it's dead. What fucking ever not like I was gon work anyway. I pulled out my phone and scrolled through instagram memes. I happened upon another edit of 'what if i'm the monster' but my phone decided in that moment to unmute and play the audio into the dead silent classroom. I could hear stifling of giggles yet again from my peers and the rapist looked in my direction.

"(y/n) put the phone away before I take it ok. There's only 10 more minutes in the class so I'll let it slide but don't let it happen again." Oh yeah bitch touch me and you got a fucking lawsuit on your hands. I nodded, muted my phone, and continued scrolling through instagram until the bell rang. I dipped out of the classroom onto the bus.

"Hey dude what's up how's the day been treating you," I greeted highfiving the awesome boi I call my bus driver.

"It's been good (y/n), what about you?"

"Well I really wanted to kill myself 6th period but it's all good because I always want to do that," I answered running to the back of the bus and laying on the seat. My main bitch Alina walked onto the bus and sat in the seat across from me.

"Hey dumbass I heard some people talking about what you did 9th. You're lucky Peterson is a mad fucking perv and gets horny just looking at you or else you'd have another detention on your hands," she ranted unlocking her phone and going on youtube.

"Asshole has death coming for him it ain't my concern. Ya know I'm just always chillary clinton-ing by the cedar rapids ya feel. Honestly I don't give a fuck anymore it's almost summer I'm just trying to get though junior year." I went onto my phone again. "Heh, chungus."

"What does that even mean? God it's like you speaking a different fucking language," she said, looking at me and sighing.

"The language I speak is called culture you jackass. You gotta lay off the dumb bitch juice ya feel." She looked at me with a pissed off face before breaking into laughter. The bus pulled in front of my stop. I got up and turned to face Alina. "I love you bitch, and I ain't gon never stop loving you, bitch. Catch me ranting on my finsta about my procrastination later. See ya hoe." I ran off and bus and across the road, hoping for a car to hit me but nope.

"What's up fuckers!" I yelled walking into my house. Wait no ones fucking home. Oof. "So sad Alexa play despacito 2."

"I'm sorry, I could not find 'despacito 2' in your library," my Alexa unit answered from across the room.

"Useless thot," I groaned walking up the stairs. I went in front of my snake's enclosure and opened it up. "What up Scorpius?" I heard an annoyed hiss and low and behold my piebald ball python popped his head out from under a hide. "Ok are we feeling anime, meme scrolling, or vine compilations today. I don't know but I feeling anime." I heard another hiss. "Anime it is let's go for a fucking classic. God among anime. Naruto. And anyone who's disagrees can suck my fat fucking balls."

I turned on the tv, opening netflix. As this was happening I was yet again on my phone scrolling through memes, but I heard another hiss. I looked back up at the tv but all I could see was white, smoke coming from the screen as well. The light slowly got brighter before enveloping the room and making me feel tired.

"MY FUCKING TV WHAT THE FUCK!" I screamed in a vicious anger seen only at times when I was having a bitchfit. But alas I fell asleep, thoughts of shoving my foot up someone's ass as I went down.

Welcome to the Naruto realm, both you and your snake. I can already tell with your damn attitude you gon stir the pot.

[778 Words. Lmao this is actually incredibly fun to write because this is literally how I talk with other people. For god's sake one time i even called the principle a "fucking bitch" in front of my favorite teacher and the entire class including him just stared at me. Anyways I hope y'all enjoyed the beginning of this crack ass adventure. I think Imma keep Scorpius' personality the same as when he got into his human form because I think having a levelheaded dude will make the entire thing funnier. Anyways that's all bai my boiis.]

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