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My story starts 400 years ago, at the time of the dragons. I was so happy, I had it all. Little did I know, it would never last. I had two older brothers and two loving parents. One day, my big brother, Zeref, woke me up and drew my attention to a dragon outside. Once we realized it was too dangerous to stay, we grabbed what we could and my other brother, Natsu, and tried to flee. Not long after we left my home, the dragon stopped us in our tracks. Before I could process what had happened, both my parents and Natsu were lying dead on the floor and I was in Zeref's arms. I was six at the time. I will never forget how many tears had escaped my eyes that night. After that, Zeref and I made a promise, to always be by each other's sides. Zeref promised me I would get to see our brother again, so we spent years trying to revive him.

A couple of years later, we started studying at the Mildian Magic Academy in hopes that it would make it easier for us to resurrect Natsu. Together, we started building something called the R-System (short for Revival System) and kept getting in lots of trouble because of our endless research on life and death.

"If we can solve the problem by gathering 2.7 billion ideas worth of magic power, the R-System will be complete," Zeref said in front of a large crowd I had gathered for him. I smiled at the thought of all those people helping us achieve our dream. While scanning my eyes through the crowd, I spotted an all too familiar face, one of the professors of the academy. 'Uh oh,' I thought to myself. A few minutes later, Zeref and I were talking to the professor about how 'dangerous' it was.

Not long after that, we started working on a different project, The Eclipse, which could be used to travel through time. A few years later, that same professor caught Zeref and me researching the Eclipse.

"I thought we told you to stop the construction on the Eclipse," the professor sternly explained. All I could do was look at Zeref.

"Just a bit more and it'll be done," Zeref urged without even turning around to look at the professor. I took that as a hint to keep going on with the research, so that's what I did.

Suddenly I heard the words that I never wanted to hear. "The board of directors has finalized your expulsion, yours too, (Y/N)". I didn't know what to do, I just dropped the pieces of paper I was holding, scattering them everywhere. I just stared at the professor with obvious shock on my face, Zeref doing the same.

"Your brother will never come back to life!" I tried so hard to stop the tears from falling down my face. Suddenly, Zeref started to clutch his head in pain.

Ignoring my tears, I ran up to him asking, "Zeref, are you OK?" I tried to help him up but as soon as I touched him, I fell to the floor, also in pain. I didn't know what was happening, but I felt a surge of black energy flow throughout my body and as quickly as it had come, it disappeared. All I wanted was to make sure my brother was alright, but I was scared that if I moved a single muscle, the pain would return, so I just sat there staring at the floor until I saw a hand reach towards me. I looked up slowly to see my brother, Zeref, trying to help me up.

"Are you alright?" Zeref asked me with concern in his eyes.

"I think so," I replied, taking his hand and looking around. "What happened?"

"Let's find out".

Slowly and cautiously, Zeref and I walked out of the room and into the hallway to find everyone, including the staff and students, lying dead on the floor. I didn't even try to stop the tears this time as I fell to the floor. I looked up to see that Zeref was just as shocked.

It was hard, but over time, we managed to move past that tragic event. We got used to the curse and learned it to be the Ankhseram Black Magic (also known as 'The Curse of Contradiction') which meant; the more you valued life, the more you took it away, but if you didn't value life, you didn't take it away unless you wanted to. Zeref and I started studying the Black Arts to see if there was something there to help with Natsu. We learned more about the death magic bestowed upon us by the God Ankhseram. Unfortunately, immortality was one of the perks of the curse. I learned the Black Arts, Projection Magic, Telepathy and Teleportation to add to the death magic. Zeref learned the Black Arts, Living Magic, Immobilization Magic, Law, Fire Magic, Telepathy and Time Magic. I dabbled in Living Magic, but I was nowhere near as good as Zeref. I also had a bit of Transformation Magic, I was able to change my clothes and my look if I ever needed to.

"Hey, Zeref," I said to grab his attention. "I started studying this spell and I was thinking, maybe we should try it".

Finally grabbing his full attention, he turned to look at me with curiosity. "What spell?"

"A body linking spell". Noting his silence, I decided to explain. "Just in case one of us is alone and we get hurt, then the other can know, or something like that".

After what seemed like forever of lingering silence, he finally smiled and agreed. So, I cast the spell and was beyond surprised when it worked.

Over time, Zeref came to loathe his life and wanted nothing more than to die, so he started making all sorts of demons in hopes that they could fulfill his wish.

After a few years and lots of endless nights, we finally completed our lifelong dream. Because we couldn't completely resurrect Natsu, we used the Ethernano around us, creating our masterpiece and our final demon. Zeref hoped that the newly created Etherious Natsu Dragneel would finally be able to put him out of his misery.

Natsu was different from any other child. He didn't seem to want to learn to read or write. After a while, we took him to an old friend of ours, Igneel, King of the Fire Dragons, in hopes that he would have better luck raising him.

Igneel and his friends, Grandeeney, Metalicana, Skiadrum and Weisslogia had a plan to teach Dragon Slayer Magic to defeat the Black Dragon, Acnologia. To do that, they needed to gather as much Ethernano as possible. So, after the five dragons chose their wizards, we used the newly constructed Eclipse Gate. To do that, we needed Celestial Magic, so we asked our friend, Anna Heartfilia to open the gate so the Dragon Slayers could go to the future, to X777, 400 years from now, and Anna with them. Now, all we had to do was wait, wait for 400 years.

One day, Zeref turned to me and said with a serious look on his face, "(Y/N), I need you to promise something for me".

Unsure of what to say, I just nodded.

"I need you to promise you'll help me fulfill my wish, and you won't do anything to prevent it".

I couldn't hide the shock on my face as my eyes widened. I kept refusing, but after about 30 minutes of arguing, I finally caved and said the words I did not want to say: "I promise".

I don't know what happened after that. I guess, somewhere along the way, we stopped living in the light and let the darkness consume us. We caused so much chaos with our power, we caused fear in the hearts of the humans just by the mention of our names. I think in a way, we became a part of the Dragon King Festival, which was a war to determine the King of the Dragons. That's how we earned the titles 'The Black Wizard' and 'The Princess of Darkness'.

I think we shut off our morality to have better control over our curse. Luckily, one day, we regained our morality, but that meant we would still take the lives of those around us, even though we didn't want to.

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