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2 years later

Over the years, Erza Scarlet had become a very scary person. That's why, when everyone found out she was returning to the guild after her latest job, they all started freaking out, especially Natsu and Gray, who hadn't changed a bit. Natsu was still hot-headed and Gray still had a habit of stripping.

Natsu recently brought a girl back to the guild. Her name was Lucy. It was uncanny how much she resembled Anna. I knew immediately that she was Anna's descendant.

As soon as Erza walked into the guildhall, she started criticizing everyone. After that, she had something very unexpected to say. She turned to Natsu, Gray and me and said, "I need you to do me a favor. While traveling, I overheard something that has me worried. This is a matter of utmost urgency. You three are the strongest wizards here, and I could really use your help". Everyone, especially the three of us, was shocked that Erza had asked someone else for help.

Mira asked Lucy to tag along to prevent Natsu and Gray from killing each other when Erza wasn't looking, knowing that I would just sit back and enjoy the show.

Erza told us to meet at the train station tomorrow afternoon. I could practically see the sparks flying between the two.

While staring at the two, I overheard Mira say, "Erza, Natsu, Gray and (Y/N) working together? I never saw that one coming. This could be Fairy Tail's strongest team!" The thought brought a smile to my face.

The next morning

"Why do those two always have to fight?" I said while watching Natsu and Gray go at each other's throats again while waiting for Erza to arrive.

Not long after, Erza walked up to us with mountains of luggage. Lucy and Happy were shocked by all the luggage. Internally laughing, I commented, "That's Erza for you".

While Erza and Lucy were introducing themselves, I just kept watching Gray and Natsu. I thought it was funny that they managed to go from enemies to besties when Erza was looking and back to enemies when she had her back turned, in two seconds flat.

"Erza, I'll come with you, but on one condition. I want a rematch when we get back," Natsu added confidently.

Everyone was very shocked, including me. "What are you, crazy?" Gray and I said. Erza agreed to the rematch.

Natsu had challenged Erza before but lost pretty badly.

"Natsu, you and your motion sickness". We were already on the train. I was sitting by the window, with Lucy and Erza sitting across from me. Gray was next to me and Happy was next to Gray, eating a fish (as always) and Natsu was next to Happy (trying not to throw up).

Erza asked Natsu to sit next to her, so Lucy and Natsu switched places. When she punched him, we were all staring at her with our mouths wide open.

Erza then started filling us in on the mission. "I have reason to believe the dark guild Eisenwald may be planning something big. I'm not sure what exactly, but it has to do with a magical item called Lullaby". I recognized it immediately as one of the demons I helped my brother make. Of course, I kept my mouth shut.

Gray and Lucy looked like they knew something. "Do you guys know something we don't?" I asked suspiciously.

"Not long ago, we beat up some guys who mentioned something about Lullaby," Gray answered.

"Let me start from the beginning. The other day, I was heading home after completing a job. I stopped by a pub in Onibas that I knew was a gathering spot for local wizards". Erza continued to tell us the whole story.

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