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300 years later.

Zeref and I tried not to stay in one place for too long, so we wouldn't take any more lives than we had to.

One day, Zeref and I were bathing in a lake. I had already finished and was waiting patiently at the lakeside for Zeref to finish, when a little girl, probably in her early teens, ran up to the lake, crying. When Zeref saw her, we tried to leave so she wouldn't die like the rest of them, but she kept talking to us.

There was an uncomfortable silence, so I thought I'd better break the ice. "Hi, I'm (Y/N) (L/N) and this is my brother..." I looked back at him and when he subtly shook his head, I knew he didn't want me to finish that sentence.

The girl introduced herself to be Mavis Vermillion. Both Zeref and I were shocked when she immediately recognized our curse. She didn't seem to be afraid of us either. There was something about her that caused me to immediately take a liking to her. She showed herself to have illusion magic. She asked Zeref to teach her and her friends magic, and after I convinced him, he reluctantly obliged. Mavis ran off to lead us to her camp while we trailed behind.

"(Y/N) (L/N), huh?" Zeref pointed out with amusement in his voice.

I shrugged my shoulders. "It's just a name I made up in case the need had ever arisen". Zeref just laughed.

When we got to Mavis' camp, I met her friends: Yuri Dreyar, Warrod Sequen, and Precht Gaebolg.

Staying at a safe distance, Zeref began telling them about Magic Energy and Ethernano while I sat and watched. The next day, he started teaching them to gather Ethernano through concentration. Out of boredom, I decided to join them in their meditation. Once I started, I felt something, something exhilarating. I don't think there was a word to describe what I felt. I could tell it was my curse. I could vaguely hear Zeref saying, "(Y/N), look out!" After a deep breath, the feeling was gone. I opened my eyes to see everyone staring at me. Immediately, I knew what had happened.

I couldn't even contain my excitement. "I controlled it!" I noted Zeref's shock, so I decided to talk to him about it later.

Over the next few days, everyone went off to practice their magic on their own, including me, with Zeref supervising. I found out that Yuri had Lightening Magic, Precht had Weapons Magic and Warrod had Plant Magic.

Once the four of them were confident enough to continue on their own, Zeref left, leaving me behind with Mavis and her friends.

"Where's our magic teacher?" Mavis asked her friends as I walked up to them. No one else knew the answer.

"He left," I sadly pointed out before I grabbed everyone's attention.

Everyone was speechless. Yuri was the first to speak. "Why didn't he take you with him?"

I just shrugged my shoulders. "How am I supposed to know?"

After a while, Mavis smiled. "Why don't you join us? We're going to try and defeat the Blue Skull Guild".

I couldn't help but smile at her kindness.

That night, Mavis went off on her own. I couldn't help but notice something strange about her. Confused, I turned to the guys. "Is anyone else aware that she's talking to herself?"

"Yeah, she says she has a friend named Zera". Yuri was the only one willing to speak.

"Is anyone going to tell her there's no one there?"

This time, everyone went silent in time for Mavis and 'Zera' to return.

For the next few days, everyone would train to get at least strong enough to defeat Blue Skull. When the big day finally arrived, Mavis came up with a plan to defeat them. First, we would get someone to start a riot in front of the guildhall. Then, Warrod would use his plants to distract the Guild Master during hunting while Mavis sets up an illusion of a burning Magnolia to lure him there only to trap him in a cage, while Precht and Yuri take back the Tenroe Orb and defeat the rest of Blue Skull. Zera and I stayed with Mavis, so she wasn't alone in confronting Master Geoffrey.

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