Tenroe Island

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I had finally left my room to go to the Annual S-class Promotion Trials, which was mandatory for me, being an S-class wizard. Everyone in the guild was running around, completing job after job, trying to get picked.

When the day for the announcement finally arrived, I was called to be on stage with the other S-class wizards; Mira, Erza and Gildarts, with Makarov at the front making the announcement and everyone else eagerly waiting to see who had made it to the trials.

"In accordance with the Fairy Tail guilds time-honoured tradition," Makarov started. "I will now announce the entrance for this years S-class wizard Promotion Trial". At that, the entire guild erupted in cheers. 'The trial this year will take place on Tenroe Island, our guilds sacred ground. I have chosen eight participants: Natsu Dragneel, Gray Fullbuster, Juvia Lockser, Elfman, Cana Alberona, Freed Justine, Levy McGarden and Mest Gryder".

As soon as I saw Mest, my eyes widened in shock. 'Dorenbolt? I remember him from Era. He worked for the magic council'.

Throughout my confusion, Makarov kept talking. "Although eight wizards have been selected, only one will emerge victorious. The trial will begin in one week's time. Let's go over the rules of the challenge, shall we?"

"Each participant shall choose a partner," Mira said. This person will also be allowed to train with them in the week leading up to the event".

"Observe these two rules when choosing your partner," Erza said. "Number one; they must be a member of Fairy Tail, and number two; the choice cannot be an S-class wizard".

"We'll reveal all the particular details of the trial once we've arrived on Tenroe Island," Makarov continued. "But know that you'll have to get past Erza to claim victory". At that, everyone was shocked.

"Oh calm down, you'll have to fight all the S-class wizards," I said with a smirk. Everyone was very scared.

"The eight participants I named earlier, and their chosen partners are asked to meet to Port Hargeon one week from today, so get to work". With that, everyone hurried off to start their training.

Makarov pulled me into his office after the meeting was over. "(Y/N), you will not be participating in the trials. If you do, someone could get hurt, or worse".

Staring at the ground, I nodded. "I understand". I did. I wouldn't want anyone to get hurt because of my stupid curse. If that happened, I would never forgive myself, especially if it was one of my friends.

There was a long pause. As I turned to walk out the door, Makarov started speaking again. "But you will be helping to prepare for the trials". With a firm nod, I walked out the door.

For the partners, Natsu chose Happy, Gray chose Loke, Juvia chose Lisanna, Elfman chose Evergreen, Cana chose Lucy, Freed chose Bickslow, Levy chose Gajeel, and Mest/Dorenbolt chose Wendy.

Erza, Mira and Gildarts went to Tenroe Island early to prepare for the trials, while I stayed back to prepare from the guild hall.

One week later, all the participants and their partners had met up with us at the ship Makarov and I had prepared for them.

It wasn't until we got to the island that Makarov and I explained the specifics of the first trial. "Please direct your attention to the smoke coming from the island. Your first task would be to head to its source. Once there, you will choose one of the eight routes leading into the island. Each is meant for a single team only. After you have made your choice, you will have to conquer these obstacles. Teams that make it through these tests in one piece will advance to the second round," Makarov explained.

"In the combat routes, you will have to battle another team. There are three tunnels with S-class wizards. If you are unlucky enough to end up in one of those tunnels, you will have to win in a battle against them to move on to the next round. If you choose the Serenity Route, you will be able to walk through the tunnel without battling anyone," I explained.

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