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Team Natsu and I were returning from a job when it happened. We noticed something wasn't right when we got back to Magnolia and people started staring at us and whispering. When we got back to the guildhall, it was completely wrecked, and there was iron sticking out from all sides. Mira told us it was Phantom Lord, Fairy Tail's biggest rival.

She took us to the basement, where everyone was residing. Unfortunately, Makarov refused to do anything about it, which we were not happy about. At least no one was there when they attacked.

Everyone thought it would be best if no one was alone. Natsu thought it was a good idea to show up at Lucy's place while she wasn't there. Because I had nothing better to do, I decided to tag along, along with Gray, Erza and Happy. We all decided to stay at Lucy's for the night.

We woke up the next morning to find Levy, Jett and Droy nailed to a tree with the Phantom symbol painted on them. That's when we all decided it was time to retaliate.

We stormed over to the Phantom Lord guild hall and busted through the door. That's how the war began. Makarov went to find the Phantom Lord master, Master Jose, while the rest of us fought the other wizards. Suddenly, Black Steel Gajeel, the Iron Dragon Slayer, joined the fight. 'That's Metalicana's Dragon Slayer,' I thought. 'He hasn't changed a bit'. Luckily, Natsu wanted to fight him instead of anyone else.

Suddenly, Master Makarov fell to the ground. We knew we were unmatched, so we retreated. Makarov was so weakened, I could barely sense any magic energy from him. We took him to a magical healer and an old friend of Makarov's, Porlyusica for help, who said he had Magic Deficiency Syndrome.

Natsu and Happy went missing for a while. They didn't return to the guild with the rest of us. I was kind of worried. Suddenly, Natsu and Happy walked in with Lucy. That's when everyone else found out about the Heartfilia family. She was never the same for the rest of the battle. I was worried about her. "Are you OK?" I asked her. She barely even looked at me, let alone answered. I could tell she blamed herself for what was happening.

"Why did you hide the truth from us, Lucy?" Happy asked. I was wondering that myself.

Still staring at the floor, she answered, "I wasn't trying to hide anything. I've been gone for a year, and my father hasn't cared, now all of a sudden, he wants to force me to come home? He's done all those horrible things just to get me to go back. I hate his guts!"

Once she had finished, I gave her a hug and said in her ear, "We won't let anything happen to you. That's a promise". When we pulled apart, I turned around and we could see by the looks on their faces and they agreed with me. "You shouldn't blame yourself. You followed your heart, and by doing so, you did the right thing". Everyone else did what they could to cheer her up. Although it worked, she still blamed herself.

Mira and Cana were trying to find Mystogan to ask for his help. When I noticed they weren't having much luck, I decided to try myself. I went to a secluded area, pulled out the communication lacrima that Mystogan and I used to get in touch, and I called him. It didn't take long before he answered.

I took a deep breath and spoke. "Hey. I have a favour to ask. Phantom Lord's been attacking Fairy Tail, trying to get to my friend Lucy and I think we might need your help". He nodded before I hung up. As soon as that was over, I felt a wave of relief wash over me. 'Now we might stand a chance,' I thought to myself. I was kind of scared he would say no.

Suddenly, we felt the ground shake, so everyone ran to the front of the guild. It seemed as if the Phantom guildhall was moving towards us. Suddenly, they shot the Jupiter Cannon at us. Despite our warnings, Erza ran in front of everyone and requiped into her Adamantine Armor to try and block the Cannon. By some miracle, it actually worked, but Erza was seriously injured in the process.

As if we weren't already pissed enough, Master Jose started talking to us. "Makarov has fallen, and Erza can no longer stand. Any chance of victory has slipped through your fingers. Surrender Lucy Heartfilia immediately. You have no choice". It took everything I had not to kill him at that moment. It's a good thing Fairy Tail never learnt how to give up. No one was willing to give up Lucy.

Because our answer was no, Jose threatened to fire Jupiter again, in 15 minutes. Suddenly, a bunch of phantoms came flying out of the guildhall and towards us. I had a feeling they wouldn't affect me, but that didn't stop me from worrying about my friends. Apparently, I was wrong. A select few went straight to the source, while the rest of us dealt with the phantoms. I had my own few, but somehow one of them touched me. It didn't kill me, but it did drain almost all of my magic. I knew I just needed time to rest for a bit, so I teleported away and landed right in front of none other than my fiancé, Mystogan. After that, I blacked out right after I collapsed, and he caught me.

When I regained consciousness, I was in Porlyusica's house and Makarov was gone. After a few minutes, I got up and walked outside to see Mystogan and Porlyusica talking and a bunch of Phantom Lord flags surrounding us. When they noticed me, they turned to look at me.

"You should be in bed," Porlyusica said, worriedly.

"I'll heal. What happened here?" I replied, looking around.

"Your fiancé did all this".

"I shouldn't even be surprised," I said with a smile on my face before I walked over to him and planted a kiss on his cheek and I whispered the words, "Thank you".

Then I turned to Porlyusica. "Where's the Master?"

"The old fool insisted on protecting his children," she replied with the same frown she always wears on her face.

"Then that's what I should be doing," I said.

I turned to walk away, but before I could, he grabbed my hand to stop me. "You should be resting". After seeing how worried he was, I reluctantly nodded.

Suddenly, a bright light shone through the forest. Immediately, I recognised this magic. "Law," I whispered, not knowing someone could hear me.

"You know this spell?" Mystogan whispered to me.

"Yeah, my brother practically invented it," I whispered back.

After that, we left and decided to go for a walk to catch up. I told him more about Lucy and Galuna. He told me about the jobs he went on.

After that, he dropped me off in front of the guild. I decided to help with the rebuilding of the guildhall.

The next day, we found a note in Lucy's house saying she was going back home. We all decided to go over to the Heartfilia estate to see what was going on. It turned out she just wanted to say goodbye to her father. Apparently, she was a lot richer than she let on.

A lot happened after that. Makarov was put on trial for what happened with Phantom, which I had to attend. We went for some vacation at this resort place. Something happened with Loke. I don't really know the details, but apparently, he's the Celestial Spirit Leo the Lion. He's now contracted to Lucy. As a thank you, he gave us tickets to a really popular resort.

Even through all that, I couldn't help but worry about the Tower of Heaven. At that point, it was almost completed, and I was wondering what Jellal's next move was. Whatever his next move was, I had a bad feeling about it.

Fairy Tail x Reader (With Mystogan)Where stories live. Discover now