Chapter 5

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Betty was sitting in her room filling in Kevin with the Reggie incident over FaceTime on her laptop. Veronica decided that she was going to the bonfire to try to clear her mind. Once Betty finished the story of her raven haired friend's struggles, she veered the topic onto something else.

"So Kev, hows your relationship going?"she asked.

"I thought you'd never ask! Me and Joaquin are great! We are now living together in a overpriced apartment. Well it's cheap for San Drago but it's still expensive. So life couldn't be better." He explained happily.

"That's great Kevin! I'm so happy for you!" Betty said genuinely.

"So any hot guys? Other than Archie and yes I know you don't like him because 'he's not your type' but your surrounded by hardworking men in hundred degree weather so there's got to be someone!" Kevin asked.

"Nope. Still single and not so sure if I'm ready to mingle. But there is this one jerk. He automatically assumed that I have this 'perfect life' and then continued being an asshole for the whole week! Well today he made a poor attempt of a peace offering and now we are on neutral terms but he is still an asshole." Betty said annoyed.

"What kind of peace offering?" Kevin said seductively with a smirk.

"Ugh why do you take everything the wrong way?!" Betty said in frustration. "And if you must know it was coffee."

"How is that a peace offering? Isn't there coffee sitting out?" Kevin wondered out loud.

"That is not coffee. I don't care what the packaging says. It tastes like someone threw coffee grounds in Sweetwater river, put it in a cup, and called it coffee. He apparently has a-" But she was, of course, interrupted by Kevin.

"What does he look like?! Oh and what's his name?!"He exclaimed all at once as if he's been holding this question in the whole conversation. Though knowing Kevin, he most likely was.

"He's ok I guess." Betty tried to lie but failed when she zoned out thinking about those hypnotizing eyes and his arms when he lifted heavy equipment and-

"Betty!" Kevin yelled again trying to get his spaced out friends attention. She looked away to attempt to hide the heat creeping up her neck and onto her cheeks. "It's obvious that you have the hots for this guy so I need a name, B."

"Fine," Betty took a deep breath. "It's my boss Dr. Jones."

"WHAT THE FUCK! You said this guy was 'ok' looking! That man is the only reason I read those archeology articles you send me! I'd give up my all my money just to look into those dark eyes for a second!" Kevin yelled.

"They're blue." Betty corrected without thinking.

"Huh?" He asked confused at the immediate correction.

"Dr. Jones. His eyes are ocean blue." Her mouth had a life of it's own as the words continued tumbling out without her permission.

"Hey it's not my fault he stays out of the spot light. But the fact that I think he's hot without seeing his face say a lot." Kevin was about to ask something else but got interrupted by a loud banging on Betty's trailer door.

Betty got up and opened the door. Of course it was the very man she was just talking about.

"There is a situation at the bonfire." Dr. Jones said sounding like he would rather be sleeping than being there.

"And what might that be?"

"A very drunk Archie who refuses to leave with anyone except his and I quote 'best buddies'."

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