Chapter 9

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A month earlier:

"You realize who you want to visit, right." The prison guard asked the blond middle aged woman dressed in what you think a typical housewife would wear.

"Yes I am well aware" the woman shoot back.

"Okayyyy then...ID please." He said, a bit hesitant.

"Alice Cooper is my name. I was his wife before the sinful things he did." The blond older woman explained as she handed over an ID confirming just that.

After she was checked for anything that could be used as a weapon, put through multiple mental detectors, and pat down several times, the guards finally lead her to the cell she was interested in.

"Looks like you have someone willing to visit you. Your ex- wife." Another guard said while rolling his eyes before leaving.

"You aren't Alice and even if you were I wouldn't want to see you. Now leave because I don't think you want to be on my list for when I finally break free and get to make all of these mother fuckers pay." Hal said when he saw a stranger in front of his cell.

"Hello,Mr. Cooper, my names Penny Peabody and I'm a lawyer." She introduced herself.

"Well I don't think you have much of case to get me out. And if that's not why you're hear then leave." Hal Cooper said uninterested.

"Let me ask you this,if you were to ever get out what would you do." She asked calmly.

"Get revenge on that fucking bitch that put me in here." Hal said calmly without any hesitation or emotion.

"Ah your daughter, Elizabeth Cooper. Am I correct." Penny said nonchalantly.

"Yes." Although he didn't show it the man was getting interested.

"See I know exactly where she is. If you are interested I can help you get to her." Penny continued as if this were the most casual thing in the world.

"Why would a lawyer want to help a serial killer get revenge?" When he asked that penny knew he would agree to her plan. The one she's worked on ever since she got news from her mole that the Cooper was going to work with the man that almost ruined her.

"That's the thing, I'm only a lawyer to get my connections out of sticky situations and in return I get business. I have a lot of connections might I add. I also have a good amount of enemies. You know Dr. Jones. Famous archeologist? Probably not since he was still in high school when you got locked away. Well he's one of them. That girl of yours happens to be working closely with him. His right hand as a matter of fact. While you may not have a chance getting out through court, I have another proposal." She explained.

"And what may that be?" Hal asked while standing up from his chair.

"I cant say it out loud, not her, but stay aware and very alert." Penny hinted as she was about to leave.

"How did you even get in here?" He asked. No one other than immediate family could visit anyone in this prison since it housed some of the most dangerous men in America.

"I look like your wife. Well not exactly but I have blond hair. All I had to do was swap my leather jacket and dark clothes with a bright button up shirt and mom jeans. The ID was easy to make then." With that Penny Peabody was being checked down by a security guard again before leaving.

"So is he in?" Tall Boy, a member of the serpents and the closest thing to a partner in her crime she had,asked once she got in the car.

"Definitely." She replied with confidence, "tell the other Serpents and Goulies that we're heading to India in a month. And they get to see an old friend."


"Hal, it seems that you're being transferred to another prison." said a guard, "just sign here you'll be moved in a week."

Once the guard walked away Hal smiled. This was it. This was when he'd finally get revenge. How Penny had managed to make the arrangements he had no clue. Most likely she had been planning this for awhile. Or like she had told him, she had connections.

He didn't trust her at all but he did need her. At least for now. After he got what he needed she was disposable. The tricky part was that surely she would expect this much from a serial killer. One thing he knew about her so far was that she was no idiot.

All in good time though things would work his way. So what if he got put back in a cell after he finished his mission. He wanted to make Betty suffer before he started to rote in prison.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I did write the escape before the show did but somebody *cough cough* BI_BI_BI_18 hasn't edited these past two chapters that I've had finished for a over a month. Please vote and comment! Bye and if you're reading this in the middle of the night like I always do on this cursed app GET TO SLEEEEEEEEEP(even though I wrote this at 3 fucking AM and had a test that determines wether I have to retake algebra 1 again) I'll shut up now-jones_13_

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