Chapter 6

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The next morning Betty was in the Jeep with Jughead to go to his museum since Archie was too hungover to even stand without collapsing onto the floor. The ride was silent and it felt like it took centuries to get there when in reality it was a 45 minute drive.

Although Betty was hoping for some more information about the building so she can have expectations as what it might be like but she wasn't told anything. All she saw was Jughead hand the museums manager, Mr. Solo, the necklace she found on her first day.

Despite that, the outing was enjoyable. Mr. Solo was nice but a little cocky. Him and Jughead showed her the workings of the museum which she loved. Betty had always found the inner workings of museums fascinating ever since she was little.

When they finished up the progress report she figured they would go back to the site right away. What she didn't expect was for Jughead Jones to say, "Want to stay out a little longer? I know you haven't really seen the city yet. Plus the market is opened today and they have some of the best food you'll ever eat."

"Sure, it's not like I have anything else to do." Was the woman's simple reply.

It was a nice hangout. They still bickered here and there but they mostly kept the conversation civil. After an hour of walking between stands, Betty was overly full and above all tired. Jughead on the other hand was still eating like he hasn't eaten in weeks.

How the hell is this man not not 600 pounds! If I ate that much I'd star on my 600 pound life!

When she felt her phone vibrate in her back pocket of her shorts she assumed it was V asking where she was. She pressed the power button and the screen lit up to reveal the news alert:

Hal Cooper, otherwise known as the Blackhood from the attacks in Riverdale, has escaped from jail.

Betty stoped dead in her tracks. A few seconds later, Jughead realized she had stopped following him and a smug smile appeared on his face.

"Come on Cooper. You're full already?"

When Betty didn't answer, his teasing smirk fell and his eyebrows drew together. "Hey what is it, Betts?"

"No, no, no, no, no! He can't be out! He can't! I can't let him find me! My mom! I need to see if she's ok! Shit what about Polly and the twins!? He can't have escaped! It-" she started to crumbled to the ground. She was having a panic attack. Before she hit the pavement two strong arms wrapped around her.

"Breathe." He said softly, "Please tell me what's wrong."

Betty tried to calm her breathing and heart rate. The key word being tried. She just started to look around in a panic.

"Take me back to the site." She told him.

"Betty,please talk to me and tell me what's wrong." He said with more concern in his voice than before, if that was even possible.

"I promise I'll tell you when we get back to the site." She promised as she began to calm a bit. "Call Harry to pick us up then text Veronica and Archie to meet us in my trailer because this news will effect them too."

Without further question he did as she said. When they arrived at her trailer Veronica and Archie were already standing outside.

They instantly hugged their Betty. At that moment she knew that they got the news alert too.

"Can someone tell me what the fuck is going on?" Jughead asked.

Betty's two friends gave her a questioning look. "He deserves to know." She said in a small voice.

"Let's go inside cause this is going to take a while to explain." Archie told Jughead.

Sorry we haven't updated for a while. We've both been having anxiety and suicidal thoughts thanks to our oh so wonderful sexiest, misogynist, racist, and every type of ignorance that exists in this world, math teacher. I know this chapter is shorter than our others but I felt like this was a good place to stop. Sorry for the minor cliff hanger cause there most likely won't be another update until next month unless our schools math teacher gets fired.-jones_13_

Word. -BI_BI_BI_18

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