Chapter 1 : Truth

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2 years later

Y/n: what did you say?

Mark: princess, I'm more loyal to you than Boss Jungkook. That's why I'm telling you about this

Y/n: Mark I already knew

Mark: you're okay with all this?

What they were talking about? 

Jungkook's affairs

You read that right. The car stopped and Mark looked outside. It made sense to him now, he looked at Y/n

Mark: Good luck boss

They were outside Jungkook's Mansion. Apparently, 2 years ago, everyone decided to live separately

Including Jimin, Suga, Hoseok, and Jin. Y/n lived in the same house as Jungkook. that's another thing that they barely met there. Their relationship had come to a point Where they only met at business meetings. Y/n would always be busy as she was the underboss. The same went with Jungkook, the actual boss. Whenever y/n would be free, he would be out killing someone. Whenever he would be free, she would be out making deals

But this time things went a little overboard

Y/n got out of the large car and made her way towards the frontier door. The guards opened the door and Y/n entered. The guards looked at each other

???: princess looks angry

???: Oh! It must be a lovers quarrel

Yep, pretty much. Except they were no normal couples

Their quarrels weren't that normal either

Y/n entered and saw Jungkook sitting on the couch. With arms wide open. Supported by it. He smirked when he saw Y/n who was giving him a deadly glare

Y/n: I know about everything you do

Jungkook: exactly

Y/n banged her hands on the table in front of him

Y/n: you hooked up with those women just for my attention??

Jungkook: looks like it worked

Y/n: this is way too much

Jungkook: my dear, since you wouldn't please me. I had to get other toys

Y/n: toys? Do you think of me as some toy?

Jungkook lit a cigarette and looked at her. This time, even he had angry eyes
Things were surely about to get bad.

Jungkook: you should've picked it

The lasted feud was over this call. Jungkook decided to have dinner with Y/n. She agreed. But when she arrived he wasn't there. Something more important had come up for him.

Y/n got angry and didn't pick up the call. His one and only call. That's all, they didn't talk for a whole month after that. Y/n wouldn't call him even for business. She'd just tell Mark to report things. Jungkook on the other didn't think about meeting and apologizing. Rather, he spent nights with other women so y/n would notice him and show up. He wanted her to show up whereas she wanted him to apologize

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