Chapter 12: Change

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???: So? Are you ready to speak now?

It was a dark room. A man who's hands were tied stood infront of this person

??: I'd rather die than answer you

???: Do you know? Alot of people are ready to die, but once you throw them at the sea, what happens?

The man was sweating by now

???: They scream for help. They die suffering

The person shot the tied man twice in his leg . He groaned in pain. Till he finally closed his eyes

Someone entered the room and turned the lights on

???: He was so f*cking loud

JESSIE: did you kill him Y/n?

Y/N: I dunno

Jessie bent down to feel his pulse


A few men stepped inside and Jessie ordered them to take the body out

Y/N: if he still refuses, throw him infront of the hounds

JESSIE: I doubt he'll refuse

Y/N leaned against the table and looked at Jessie

Y/N: So? how long

JESSIE: Till what?

Y/N: Till I don't have to close these lights

Y/n had not revealed her identity yet

JESSIE: You're the boss, you do it if you want. But I  just don't recommend it yet

Y/N: Why? Because I have some weird past?

Y/N looked out of the window thinking hard

JESSIE: Yes, a lot of people could recognize you

JESSIE: I've said it before if you wanna know.

Y/N: No, I'd rather not.

JESSIE: Your past is very complicated

Y/N: I said I do not want to know, So shut it. I probably have some history with the Asian mafia. They think I'm dead. But even if I show up now, Blackard is big enough. No one can touch me at this point

JESSIE: Alright but let me just say the names. KIA, bulletproof, black feather, Stay away from them

Y/N walked closer

Y/N: Thanks, now I look forward to meeting this one. I bet they'll be shocked

???: What are the ladies talking about?

Y/n crossed her arms

Y/N: Kai, did you check up on the casinos?

KAI: Yes my lady, the ones within the country

Y/N: what about the rest of them?

Running casinos is how Blackard started again after its collapse long ago. Now all the Casinos under y/n are big and successful. Y/n barely visits them herself tho

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