Chapter 11: I'm Letting you go

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Before we start, I wanna thank VKRmochi for writing this chapter for me.


As soon as the gunshot was heard, men who came with Jungkook stepped out of their cars with guns. Jessie also stepped out

JESSIE: I knew something was gonna happen

Jessie stepped back inside as she saw them coming back and starting their cars. A black car also rushed out of the area and she could tell Jungkook was driving it.  She was definitely worried and a bit later she followed their cars as well.


Taehyung was in a questioning room with a person from the authority.

???: I want you to answer honestly. Did you help agent 007?

Taehyung took a while to finally answer

TAEHYUNG: Yes, I did

???: Why? Why did you help a traitor?  Are you in love with her?

Taehyung: She did not betray us. Let me tell you something. At first, she didn't, then she found out about her family. And she hated KIA for what they had done. And then she killed Mr. Kim, and she'll get everyone who was involved

The person had fear in his eyes for a second, as he was also a part of everything that happened in the past

???: You know too much son

TAEHYUNG: I actually don't, what if everything that KIA told me to this day was also a lie?

???: We're an organization that works for justice and peace! Since you seem to have lost your faith in us, you're of no use to us anymore. Silent Prison, is where you'll go

Taehyung laughed a little

TAEHYUNG: When someone finds out about the real face of this organization, this is what you do, right?

???: I've had enough of your bullshit

The man got up and walked out of the room


Baekhyun stepped inside the room. Jackson got up with a grin

JACKSON: Welcome my friend. I can tell you've just killed someone

Baekhyun nodded

BAEKHYUN: I did more than just kill "someone". I ended a whole storm

JACKSON: Of course,  you never miss, now that Jeon Jungkook's dead---

BAEKHYUN: Oh no he's still alive

Jackson was a bit confused, he could clearly see how happy Baekhyun was obviously because he killed his target

JACKSON: Who did you kill

BAEKHYUN: Agent 007

Jackson had a straight face, within a second he punched Baekhyun

JACKSON: Who did I order you to kill??

Baekhyun rubbed the blood off the side of his lip

BAEKHYUN: You said Y/N should be my number 1 target


The thing was, Jackson knew well that Y/N was under Jungkook's tight control and that she wouldn't be coming out in the open. He had only said that for Baekhyun's satisfaction and so that he would get the job done without any questions

JACKSON: You ruined it

Jackson's main aim was to kill Jungkook and takedown bulletproof. So black feather could take its place

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