Chapter 3: Spark Of Hope

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Small note:
Heyo everyone. So it's the third chapter you're gonna read. So an angel dropped to help me write this chapter, do follow her cause she worked hard to write this. She wrote this chapter, So please follow fransiscax. Thank you now you can go ahead.


It was funny how Jungkook flipped everything over in just a few seconds. Jungkook is free, Lisa is his spy.

"And I'm about to die"

Jungkook: You've played with me enough right?

Lisa walked upfront with a cocky smile and handed Jungkook a gun, a golden gun. The same gun Y/N didn't let Jungkook take the last time when they went out for a "walk". Jungkook stroke Y/N's cheek with the gun down to her chin, raising it

Jungkook: It's my turn now

Y/N: You can't kill me

Jungkook: I'm not going to do that. I'll do even worse. I'll make sure your life a living hell

One of the guards handed Lisa a file

Lisa: You know what this is, right?

Y/N could tell just from the front of the file. Those were KIA's top-secret documents. Only the "trusted" top agents and the authorities could touch them, Y/N's eyes grew wide

"Oh no"

The papers also have KIA's bank information. And KIA had a lot of money, mostly gained through corruption

Jungkook: This is the first time I'm robbing KIA itself, and it's all thanks to you

Y/N: Me..?

Jungkook: Whatever I do next, will be your fault


Namjoon was looking outside the window, something stressed him out. Suddenly his telephone started to ring, he walked over to the table and picked up the phone

Namjoon: Agent 009, I was just wondering about you and Agent 007

Lisa: Boss... it's a disaster

Namjoon: What happened? Don't joke this time

Lisa: I'm not joking... I tried to stop them

Namjoon: What????

Lisa: It was all planned, Agent 007 got away with Jungkook. So many of their men came. It was impossible to control the situation

Namjoon: That's nonsense. Why would Agent 007 leave after returning for two days?

Lisa: Agent 007 didn't betray Bulletproof, she played KIA

Namjoon: But why-

The door banged open. A man came in sweating and panting as if he was running for his life

???: IT'S A CRISIS. All the money is gone, every single cent! Someone from this branch of KIA leaked the important documents to Bulletproof!

"Did Agent 007 return just to get the important papers?"

Namjoon was in shock, he let out a breath and threw the phone to the other end of the room. He banged his hands on his table

Namjoon: Unforgivable... Agent 007

--back to the silent prison--

Lisa put down the phone and so did the guard pointing his gun at Y/N so she doesn't speak during the call. This was really bad. Now KIA thinks Y/N as a traitor, and she's basically a traitor to Bulletproof and Jungkook

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