Chapter 6: Break Free; almost

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Y/N: I need to kill someone

Y/N looked straight at Jessie


Y/N started to laugh

Y/N: Don't worry, not you

JESSIE: Not that I got scared *mumbles* but damn that eyes

Y/N: Right? I've heard that a lot. People even called me a monster

JESSIE: Of course you're not

Y/N: I cried all night, it was the first time, I killed an innocent man at the age of 15. I hated the blood on my hands. But he whispered, "Don't worry kid, it will become normal soon". It felt good, someone comforting me through all that. I looked up to him, I respected him. Now I have to kill him

JESSIE: you're talking about Mr Kim right?

Y/N nodded

JESSIE: look I know he's responsible for your mother's death and I'm the type who would help you out if this but know your situation. There's a crazy amount of people after you. Get yourself at a safe place. You can kill him later when things are better

Y/N: Don't worry about me. I can deal with any situation. Besides I have your help, I'm not scared

JESSIE: Yo I'm still a rookie gangster

Y/N: Really? You don't seem like one. Then if something wrong happens, Leave without me

JESSIE: I'm not allowed to do that


HOSEOK: Who could've helped Y/N?

LISA: I've said it before I'll say it again. It wasn't Kim Taehyung

SUGA: Perhaps, There's a third party involved

HOSEOK: Who could it be?

LISA: Every gang out there is terrified of bulletproof. Helping Y/N is like committing suicide

SUGA: Then he or she must be close to her, any guesses?

LISA: None. She wasn't close to anyone other than Taehyung

HOSEOK: Or maybe he asked someone to help her

Lisa's phone started to ring

LISA: I need to go boys

SUGA: KIA calls?

She nodded

LISA: I'll try to get something out of Taehyung

Lisa walked out

HOSEOK: Well Jimin's been considerably quiet?

They looked at Jimin

SUGA: This punk's happy

Jimin smirked and got up

JIMIN: we should go back to your gang duties instead of searching. We need to focus on the gang than Y/N

SUGA: Too bad-

JUNGKOOK: Jimin's right

Jungkook arrived

HOSEOK: what do you mean?

Jungkook: we have missed Y/N twice. The game activities are getting affected by all this

SUGA: but we can find her

JUNGKOOK: concentrate on the gang. Do not search for Y/N anymore

SUGA: so we're letting a traitor go?

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