Chapter 15: Foes Again

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written CHAPTER CREDIT - VKRmochi


SUGA: Jimin left?

Suga was talking on the phone, Rina slowly walked behind him

SUGA: All four of them are in Rome now? Got it, I'll take care of it.

Suga cut the call and Rina looked at the number. It said 'unknown' yet Suga didn't seem like he was talking to someone unknown

RINA: Who was it?

SUGA: Oh, don't worry, someone from work

RINA: I heard a girl's voice

Suga was talking to Lisa, someone Rina came to find

SUGA: I told you, it was no one important

RINA: So, you don't really trust me

SUGA: Irene, it's not someone I can talk about

"Great, this, might be it"

RINA: Okay, but what about the four guys?

SUGA: Jungkook and three of our main guys are in Rome

RINA: You mean Hoseok, Jimin and Jin?

SUGA: No. not Jin

RINA: Huh then who?

SUGA: Kim Taehyung

Suga said with an angry tone 'Oh the one who killed Irene' she thought

RINA: Hey!! He's the one who tried to KILL me

Suga was a bit shocked, Irene wasn't the type to get angry even at her criminal

SUGA: Jungkook wanted him in the squad, I couldn't do anything

RINA: Does Jungkook even care about you?

SUGA: Hey it's not like that

RINA: I mean think about it

RINA: Would he ever take Y/N's killer in the squad?

Suga was lost in thought for a minute 'but wait' he thought

SUGA: How do you know about Y/N's death?

Rina froze

'shit it's not even been a day'

RINA: When Y/N died, there was a chaos within Korean gangs. I was working part time at a night club, a lot of thugs used to come there. I overheard a couple of conversations.

'Fu*k he probably figured it out' Suga looked at Rina for a while

SUGA: Hey.........

RINA: Y-Yes?

SUGA: Why were you working at such a place?

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