Chapter 5: A Goodbye, A Greeting

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Taehyung: it turns out, the headquarters want me to take her back

The guard opened the door again, Y/N sat at the corner of the room. Taehyung walked in, covered her face, and made her get up. He glanced at Y/F/N who was on the other corner

Y/N walked out with him and they exited the building

TAEHYUNG: Where now?

Y/N: Back to Korea

They got on the helicopter, Taehyung didn't say anything throughout the ride as there was a pilot present in it.


Jackson walked inside Mr.Kim's office

JACKSON: So the big shot wants to see me

MR.KIM: Take a seat, Agent 001

JACKSON: I heard the hot news, your 'favorite' really did it

MR.KIM: Agent 007, she's the reason I called you here

Jackson raised a brow

MR.KIM: Once upon a time I was also Agent 001. And you know what hated the most? Traitors, and I always got to them. I want you to do the same

JACKSON: What? You want me to get Agent 007? I've got a whole gang to handle

MR.KIM: Exactly. You have a whole gang, Use it. Get her.

JACKSON: Old man, what really do you want?

MR.KIM: I want her to suffer

Jackson laughed a little

JACKSON: Then I got this under control

MR.KIM: Don't disappoint me


TAEHYUNG: What was that? Moreover

They were in Korea right now

TAEHYUNG: Who was that?

Y/N took a deep breath

Y/N: I know why you helped me. You still regret killing my friend

Taehyung realized what she meant

TAEHYUNG: Did I make up for it?

Y/N looked at him

Y/N: I had a tiny bit of hope in my heart. "Maybe she's still alive" I thought maybe you didn't kill her

Taehyung looked down

TAEHYUNG:  I'm sorry. It was an order

Y/N: What about this? Isn't helping me against KIA

TAEHYUNG: I can not let you die.

Y/N: Why?

Taehyung looked at Y/N and she seemed like she didn't want to hear the answer, yet she waited for it

TAEHYUNG: We've known each other.for a long time Do you remember? I hated you


???: You over there! come here

Y/N looked at the older guy who walked their way

???:This is E-32. You have to partner up with her in training. She knows the basics

Taehyung looked at Y/N whose eyes were null, emotionless

TAEHYUNG: Don't partner me with a weak girl

Y/N: I'm not a weak girl

???: Stop right there. She needs training. Maybe one day she'll exceed you

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