Chapter 9: The Awaited

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Mark: what did you say?

Jackson: we kill Jungkook

Mark had an 'unbelievable' expression

Mark: if it was so easy, many people could've done it

Jackson: Fellow, I know that better than you

Mark: so? how do we get him exactly?

Jackson: we, as black feather, won't get involved in this, I'll someone else to do it

Mark: who are these 'someone elses' you always talk about. Who are these people that work for you? Moreover, these people that work for?

Jackson: Mark don't worry about that. But I promise you your sweet revenge, okay?

Mark: Alright. Okay


Lisa: Hey loser

Baekhyun: what are you doing here Agent 009?

Lisa: don't have a mission so passed by here. What's up?

Baekhyun narrowed his eyes and looked at Lisa with a bit of suspicion. She usually doesn't talk to him. She and Y/n had problems with him since the beginning

Baekhyun: what do you want?

Lisa: what would I want from you? Looks like you don't have much to do either

Baekhyun: I actually do

Lisa: weren't you dealing with Y/n's case?

Baekhyun: why are you so curious?

Lisa: answer my questions first will you

Baekhyun: and what do I get out of it

Lisa: I'll give you a very useful piece of information

Baekhyun crossed his arms. He nodded

Baekhyun: yes I was dealing with Y/n's case

Lisa: did you get anything out of the partner?

Baekhyun: she insists on not knowing y/n

Lisa: this woman, Jessie, is she clever? 

Baekhyun: oh very, I'm surprised she didn't pull something of yet

Lisa: like escaping?

Baekhyun: yeah, she looks like she can somehow but isn't doing so, as if she's waiting for the right time

Lisa: you talk like escaping KIA's security is easy

Baekhyun: it can be easy if you know some stunts

Lisa: well then just send her to silent prison

Baekhyun: haha send her to you? You know any useless people are sent there. This woman could still be useful

Lisa of course wanted them to hand Jessie to silent prison which she controlled. So she could free her and let her go help Y/n. But she had to convince Baekhyun first

Lisa: how can she be useful?

Baekhyun: like why is Agent 007 going alone with her? When she had a whole game to protect her. It almost seemed as if Agent 007 was sneaking away

Of course no now in KIA knew about the tone when Lisa convinced Namjoon that Y/n had escaped with Jungkook at the silent prison. It was something the law didn't want to remember. At that time Jungkook was right in front of them and she had to file his orders. She couldn't do anything for Y/n, but now she was trying to help without Jungkook knowing

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