Chapter 10: The Truth Untold

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Lisa: Jin, I found your sister

Jin: Hey? Lisa? I can't hear you properly, there's a connection problem

Lisa: where are you???

Jin: what happened?

Lisa: I think I know who your sister is, you SISTER

Lisa said loudly so he could hear it

Jin: what??? Lisa you found her???

Lisa: How long it will take you to come back here

Lisa knew Jin was away from the country

Jin: it could take me more than 24 hours. Who is she???

Lisa: someone who is close to you, or was

Jin's voice was unclear due to the bad connection. "I'll be back as soon as possible" is all she could connect. Before she could reply, she received another call. An important one. She cut the one with Jin and attended it

Lisa: hey??

Baekhyun: I'm sending the woman to you
Lisa: who? Jessi?

Baekhyun: yeah, take her to silent prison

Lisa: I will, I'll send someone to pick her up

Baekhyun cut the call. Lisa was a bit panicked with what she just found out but she kept herself calm and called someone

Jimin: hey?

Lisa: hey, Jessi would be out soon

Jimin: Finally

Lisa: yeah, where do I send her??

Jimin: Busan, Jungkook's mansion

This whole plan involved Jimin, Lisa, Moonbyul and Jessie. Lisa would free Jessie from KIA, Jessie would go get Y/n, Moonbyul will help Jessie get away with security. Jessie would pick y/n and leave

Lisa: till tomorrow for sure. I'll get her out

Jimin: Alright

Lisa nodded and ended the call

Lisa: oh y/n, the shit I'm doing for you

Lisa was in a very edgy situation. This was the first time she was doing something behind Jungkook's back. From one point Jimin entrusted her. From another Baekhyun and KIA had entrusted her. And the whole thing with Jin was a cherry on top. She was confused and unsure of what she should do. Although y/n did match all the info "what is she isn't his sister?" Will it affect Jungkook? Will Jin do something crazy? "Will things get fired up if I let the information out? And what if in the end, she's not even his sister?" This was the reason why she didn't tell Jimin just earlier

Lisa: y/n will escape soon. She needs to get out first and Jin can talk to her later

By later she meant by the time he reached Korea


Jungkook was looking outside the window, he seemed a little lost. As if he was missing someone. Just then his phone started to beep. He picked up

???: Jeon Jungkook know me?

Jungkook: can't recall your voice

???: You killed my father

Jungkook realized who was it and grinned

Jungkook: oh y/n's baby brother?

Mark: if you're a real man, Meet me

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